(ATC by @curiousfae, photo by @LindyBlues)
Ongoing ATCs, January 2025!
Swap name: Ongoing ATC swap February 2025
Lettuce Craft member who is organizing this swap: thanate
Sign-up date range: (now!) until February 28
Send out Date: 2 weeks after the day you claim
Limited to a certain number of people? no
Restricted to people who all live in the same country? no
Additional Age requirement? no
Swap Organizer himself/herself meets these conditions:
Has fully read the Swap Info Guide: YES
Has successfully completed two swaps as a participant: YES
Is not organizing more than three swaps right now: YES
Will recruit a co-organizer or give all details to a Swap Moderator if this swap has more than 25 participants: YES
Is at least 18 years old: YES
Swap Organizer will check each participant to make sure they meet these conditions:
Has been a member for at least one month: YES/NO
Has posted at least 15 times: YES/NO
Has completed one swap successfully before signing up for multiple swaps at a time: YES/NO
Is not currently signed up for more than five swaps: YES/NO
Does not have any negative feedback: YES/NO
Participant has agreed that he/she is at least 16 years old: YES/NO
Discussion and Gallery thread is here: Ongoing ATC swap gallery & discussion 2025
Please make sure you are Watching this thread, or check it regularly.
This is an ongoing swap with a minimum requirement of one claim for the month. Sign-ups remain open for the entire swap, so join us whenever the mood strikes! Good communication is a must, and please make sure you’re not late in any other swaps before you commit.
Tracking numbers & postal receipts are not necessary for this swap (most people send in a standard envelope) but if your card goes missing you will be asked to make and send a replacement. This swap is open to people in all countries, so if you have shipping restrictions please pay attention to the location of anyone you claim.
What is an ATC?
*An Artist Trading Card (ATC) is a unique piece of art the size of a standard collectable card (3.5" x 2.5") with at least the structural integrity of a piece of card stock. Feel free to interpret this as creatively as you wish.
*an expression of your art-- You’re welcome to use other people’s art as a jumping-off point (collage, copying a character design, embellishing a preexisting image, etc) but make it your own in some way.
*should represent your best work. All skill levels are welcome!! ATCs are technically listed as an “extra small” in the swap guidelines (defined as taking less than an hour to make) but be aware that some swappers will put in significantly more work than this. If you have a brilliant idea for a card that takes 10 minutes you’re encouraged to send it as an extra, but please commit to taking the time & effort you need to make art someone will love.
(Relatedly, we know we’re often our own harshest critics-- remember that your recipient didn’t see the vision in your head before you began & try not to stress about it or critique your work in the gallery. )
Some other helpful definitions:
artist’s choice: in claiming the creator chooses any theme but sticks to requests like flat cards only or hand-drawn only.
tbd: to be determined, in claiming the artist will pick from the theme list later.
bulky: are cards that will not fit in a plastic baseball card sleeve
So how does this work?
Starting February 1, you may begin claiming as soon as the organizer has approved your questionnaire. You may make as many claims as you like throughout the month so long as you have fewer than 8 claims outstanding (ie, that have not been SENT). After you make a claim, you have 2 weeks to send it; if you look at a calendar, your “due date” will be two rows down. Please keep track of your claims; the organizer will do this also, but in case of confusion it’s always easier not to have to keep scrolling back upthread in search of stuff!
New swappers: If this is your first swap, you are allowed one claim to start. Once that card has been RECEIVED, you may make up to 8 claims just like everyone else.
Claims are made chain-style:
Swap Organizer posts a list of themes.
Swapper A chooses a theme from Swap Organizer’s list, and posts their own list of themes.
Swapper B chooses a theme from Swapper A’s list, & posts their own list.
At the end of the month the Swap Organizer will make a last claim and close the swap.
Your claim should look something like this:
I claim ATC Maker for “happy theme”, due (2 weeks from today)
3/2/1 (3 claims made/2 sent/1 of those received)
Hi I’m Swapper, from Country! Please don’t send me anything 3D or with fiery death.
My themes are:
After you have claimed, please message the person you claimed to ask for their address.
Then make your card & send it! If your card doesn’t show up by 2 weeks after the due date, we’ll have a look at how the mail’s doing & see whether it’s time to send a replacement.
When you send or receive please be sure to message the organizer and the person your are sending to/receiving from with the following info:
*to (who is getting the card)
*from (who sent the card)
*due date
*theme chosen
this can be super simple:
I sent today!
due 8/14, from Swapper to ATC Maker for happy theme
When you get a card, post a picture to the gallery ! You have 3 days from the day you receive to do this.
Feedback will be given when all your claims have been received & all the pictures you are responsible for have been posted.
*Name of swap: Ongoing ATC Swap – February 2025
*Lettuce Craft username:
*Email address:
*Your real name AND Mailing address including the country (written as it would appear on the envelope):
*Are you at least 16 years old?
*Have you read the entire swap information for this swap?
*Have you met the Participant Conditions?
*Have you checked in with the gallery/discussion thread?
*What is the exact size of an atc?
*Are you able to post pictures here of what you receive?
*Are you aware that if a card is lost in the mail, you are required to resend?
*How soon should you post pictures of the cards you receive?
*When sending sent/received messages to the swap organizer, there are four pieces of information that must be included about each swap. What are they?
*Bonus Q: What’s your favorite silly valentine card/message?
This thread should contain claims only.
Please post your general questions, encouragement, and other chatting in the gallery/discussion thread. For specific questions, please message the organizer. If you have any concerns, both the organizer and the mods are here to make sure everyone has a good swap experience.
Enjoy your ATCs!