Ongoing ATC swap gallery/discussion for 2022

October is nearly done! (eep!!) Are people up for a November round?

  • Yes please, count me in!
  • maybe, I guess…
  • Nope, not this month.

0 voters

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October is almost over. It is the best of times, it is the worst of times.
Gah, the post is taking FOR.EV.ER.

My husband received a vinyl record in the mail, delivered to our front door, with the flap open. Nothing but pressure keeping the record in place. It was still in there, so my husband didn’t care.
I was quite upset because that’s not the first time that has happened where the post is just like, “Oh well, here it is.” Not even the sticker that says, “Sorry we mangled it.”


I received this fantastic Harry Potter Mermaid from @endymion and lovely mermaid postcard! I just absolutely love it! :smiley:. It’s going into my HP collection! I love Harry Potter and mermaids so these are just perfect for it! Thank you so very much!


@irid3sc3nt I sent your ATC today!

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Ok, looks like we’ve got at least 4 yes-votes, so November is go!


Thank you @curiousfae for my lovely ATC-winter Solstice !


Aw man, that’s good! Gave me an idea for mine.

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That is gorgeous!

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I love when curiousfae creates art with her lettering!


I received from @irid3sc3nt today for my Windows and Doors theme. She made an ATC that is also appropriate to the season!

The 50’s-pinup-ish figure is so fetching in her little cat costume. (Wait—just realized that I also had a Cat theme listed, so that makes this a combo-theme card.) I don’t know if you can tell, but there is a shiny film that forms the glass between the figure and the frame.

Thanks, @irid3sc3nt! I love it!


Haha, I’m glad you like it. I titled it Mr. Tom. Both for Tomcat and Peeping Tom.

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I received a card from @thanate today! It’s one of her embroidery cards for my Christmas themes and its called “Holiday Cheer”! It’s so cheerful and festive, thank you very much! :christmas_tree: :slight_smile:


November swap is up, come play!


Just sent in my Q! :smiley: :art:


Y’all. Curiousfae sent me a needle felted ATC. Officially a TBD, it is from my “red right hand” theme which is a Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds song and also on my Halloween mix. The have is pointed towards the viewer and the squiggles are great. She thought about green in reference to one of the song lyrics, but that would have been too cheerful she said. She also included a card she made a while ago. It has a “C” for my first name!

Thank you, @curiousfae!


Wow! A needle-felted ATC; how cool! The one with the initial is really pretty, too.

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yay! so glad you like it. i tried to make the palm indented a bit so as to indicate the right hand but being wool it sometimes puffs back up a bit.
so glad i could find a use for the card! i remember buying those colors and could not wait to use them. the letter ‘c’ was just a whim but now seems like fate. :grinning:

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Cave art from @Juju—love it, thanks!


Ooo that looks really good! I like the background especially.

Btw, I changed up my themes a bit adding a few things about books and home libraries, Chrismukkah, snowflakes, etc.


I used my handy dandy new graphite pencils I got in the STS swap. I love them!

Oooo… Books! Looking forward to making you some hopefully!