OWS Round 1 (August) Discussion and Gallery

…wait, wrong thread-- I mean for the ATC swap. :roll_eyes: Whether you can join here or not is up to Kittykill.

You’re approved from c’ster days; go ahead & claim again. (there’s no feedback visible to the rest of us anyway, so it’s not like I could check if you were new to LC swapping, and I do know you’ve done this before.)


Here’s the guidelines for signing up for swaps:

  1. You are at least 16 years old.
  2. You have been a LC member for at least 1 month.
  3. You have posted at least 15 times on LC.
    You are not signed up for more than the swap limit. If you have never swapped on LC, you may only sign up for one swap. Once you have completed that swap successfully, you may sign up for up to five swaps at a time. For now, if you swapped on Craftster and are in good standing, you may have 5 active swaps at one time. Members who did not swap on Cster and members with negative feedback on Craftster may sign up for one swap now.

If you meet those guidelines, sign up! We need your awesomeness!


I got a lovely package from @kittykill some notecards, some, bright, fun, loom potholders and some super-cute kawaii style embroidery of cute baked goods with little faces on them! All %100 perfect for me! Thank you sooooo much!


That is super awesome! I’ll be signing up!

I love food with faces! So cute and fun!

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Yeah! So glad you like everything! I was laughing so hard when you mentioned how much you liked those loom potholders. I made them before you had said that so I was all happy with myself. LOL!

Happy food, well, except for the sad cookie.


so cute! :slight_smile:

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I have a somewhat random question… how do I make a list in Etsy? I have my favorites, but no lists and it doesn’t look like a way to make one when I click on the link. The Help feature is not helpful.

When you see an item you like, hit the little heart…a blue bar comes up that saves it as a favorite but you can also add it to a list…when you hit add it to a list, a big box comes up that you can create a list or add it to your list…you can always see your list by hitting favorites…about a third way down, your favorite items, favorite shops, and Lists appear…


Thank you so much! Doing a Help search for “list” is no help.

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I can’t sleep so if you have any more questions, I am browsing around…lol

Hahaha! If I think of something I’ll let you know :wink:

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OMG! That towel is amazing!

I received an equally amazing package from Jillybeans this weekend. She claimed me for unpaper towels and sent a bunch! She also sent me these cool handpainted buttons from her stash. She thinks they may have been her grandmothers.

They’re made using the cutest flannel:

The pizza is definitely my favorite just because…pizza.
A button closeup shot:

Thanks so much!


Love those unpaper towels! Those buttons are so pretty!

Today is the last day for claims. I know…sad trombone! I am hoping that round two gets picked in the next round of swaps. If it does, then the last person from this month will be the first person the next go around.

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I’m thinking about one last claim, but that depends on how my other swap goes.

I bet you it will get picked up again. It’s such a fun swap. Thank you so much for organizing, @kittykill This round has been great.


Couldn’t resist one more claim :laughing: Everything from my other swap is busy drying but mostly done.

I received from @Kwality570. Look at this fab artwork and awesome vintage patterns!!! Thank you so much!


Those vintage patterns are so fantastic @Kwality570 :heart_eyes:

I love the pizza un-paper towels too @jillybeans :ok_hand:t2:

The food embroidery is sooo cute!! @kittykill :smiley:

I’ve loved this swap :slight_smile: I do hope there’s another round.
I’ve sent all of my claims off now, so here’s hoping they are nearly at their destinations :+1:t2:

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@irid3sc3nt rocks my world! Check out this awesome puzzle!