OWS Round 1 (August) Discussion and Gallery

Let’s talk about the process and show off our goodies!

The Claim Board


I love this swap, I’m going to get working on my list.

The list! Oh man… I don’t know where to start… lol

I know! I need to come up with a list.

I am signing up…I love these kinds of swaps…you can participate as much as you can…really makes you think outside the box as well…hoping to use up supplies I have on hand…

I am going to keep my list short and sweet…but of course, as I see what others have listed, I am going to want all the things !

I deleted my profile on deadster so I don’t have that to jump from. I need to winnow my Pinterest board and garner some new ideas.

I’ll think about it. I think I only did one round of this on the old site. I do like the chain style. I think I’ll be asking for a ton of the same things this round of swaps. It’s no biggy if I get more than one of something because everyone has their own style!

I can’t wait to see how this works! I’m in!!!

I can’t wait until my first swap package arrives… before sign up for multiple swaps :smiley:

Ooh, this was one of my two favorite swaps, along with STS…I will have to track down my list and see if anything is still relevant!

I just posted my list.

Join! It is seriously the most low pressure swap ever!


Ok! Tell me if I got this right.

Now that I see your list I can post under it saying I claim it and post my list. You then send me your address. I then either craft something for you or maybe straight up buy something for you. Meanwhile someone else considers my list and does the same. And we just keep on doing that.


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Yep! That is it!

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OMG @Fonduie- I think you are my spirit animal. Seriously-reading over your list and description was the best. I was all like, “YES! My people!”


This is so tempting. But I think it’s better to wait until international shipping isn’t such a mess anymore.

Haha! And I have been enjoying your Pinterest board! So many awesome ideas!!!

I am working on my list and it is much harder than I thought it would be. I am trying not to get too frustrated though. I think I need to stop and go to bed. Sleep will help.

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I have clicked on other lettuce Crafters Pinterest profiles and noticed that they compiled whole Pinterest boards with just wish craft ideas! That’s brilliant! So I went back and made one in my Pinterest too. (Didn’t have that up when I originally posted) sorry, I’m a little late to the OWS party and I’m just getting the hang of it!

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Just sent in my Q!

Hey gang! Fonduie has some awesome stuff on her list! Don’t forget to check it out!