Paper, Mixed Media, Art Journaling Craftalong 2023

This was my favorite of the challenges. awesome job! Love the colors.

It was my favorite as well…looks like you enjoyed the lesson as well, @Abbeeroad ! Nice work!

All these small treasures are so beautiful and inspiring @Smmarrt and @Abbeeroad! you’re making me want to do some art today!

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I have watched some of the Fodder School taster classes but haven’t done any of them. @Smmarrt and @Abbeeroad your fodder looks great!


Free inchie challenge.


oh fun! I signed up. now to see if I can actually participate. it’s been a busy summer.

Me too!

I haven’t been doing much Art journaling lately. I’ve been super busy and mentally tired. But I have done a lot of gluing.

Made a series of collages index cards. They could be used as journal cards.

I started this as a way of clearing off the scraps on my craft table but somehow I have more scraps


When I was at my sister’s house, I convinced her that she could make some simple art work to make note cards. She uses so many!

These are my samples that I left with her to try her hand at it…she is actually a natural but just needs a little more confidence!


I love that you find time to do something creative even when you’re busy/exhausted.

I’m feeling the same. Hoping to get some recuperative art time soon…

Wonderful work @AIMR!! I’m sure your sister appreciates having the inspiration.

I can relate! :sweat_smile:


Scraps beget scraps!


Great cards @geekgirl ! Did you do the icad challenge?

Beautiful inspiration @AIMR ! I’m actually going to use some of your flowers as inspiration myself. I really like the way you’ve made them.

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I didn’t. I hve before but I didn’t feel like following any prompts or anything.

Yet another free class - Art Marks.

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I signed up for the challenge –
the blurb says that we are supposed to get a free class, too?
“A Little Art Every Day” –
I’m not seeing that on my dashboard & wondered if it will be sent later, or if I should contact them?

what a great collection!
this looks like a size I could actually complete…

I think it is embedded on the opening page, Orr the home page. I saw it when I was reading the description. I’ll see if I can find it.


I hadn’t done any doodling for quite a while because it felt like I was stuck in a rut doing the same ones all the time. Then I was looking through a book @Magpie shared with me and decided to try the dreaded circles. I normally avoid circles because I thought everything should be free hand and I stink drawing large ones, however, decided to utilize circular objects I had on hand (spools, bottle lids) and fairly happy with the outcome.


Nothing wrong with using tools to make circles!


First day of the inchie challenge. Twinchie really.

Here is my interpretation of the daily prompt “frothy”