Paper, Mixed Media, Art Journaling Craftalong 2023

Just in case anyone on this thread’s missed it, the 4 x 6 Art Swap is on now, make some art and sign up by 3 July! All experience levels welcome :grinning: :art:


and the author’s name is Kitty? funny!


Free (?) mixed media class

Also - taster sessions of Kaleidoscope by WillowWing

(Kaleidoscope may have started &/or ended already - reading old emails.) EDIT: The taster sessions still exist but they are taped and not live so no prizes or giveaways available.

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Fodder School Challenge 3 will start soon. that’s the 12 days of free lessons that you only have for a limited time - not the whole course



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I am signed up already. Begins July 10, so I should be good to go!

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Like I have the time to add another thing but of course, I’m signed up!

Slowly, slowly I am working on ICADS. Six more completed, obviously I am not finishing one each day. But it is easier to work in batches.

I have lots of backgrounds done and sorting thru the many baskets of little things to add the focal images and words.


Those are great! I really love the black and white images on the colored backgrounds.

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These are wonderful! I love your backgrounds in particular.

Thank you.

I haven’t watched the whole video but this woman uses play doh to make stamps for gelli printing. She rolls it out and pressed it on things like baskets ti get an impression and then uses it as a stamp on her gelli plate. I’m sure clay would work too

Gel Printing with Play-Doh | Mind Blowing Results | Gel Printing Technique | Stretch Your Supplies - YouTube


That was pretty cool! I’m now looking around my room to see what I can imprint. Lol.

Wow! I enjoyed that. I wonder what would be said if I went to the thrift store and started using Play-Doh to imprint all the baskets there :rofl:


That’s just efficient crafting right there!

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This is the most incredible video of a woman making dozens of paint pans with pigment she hand grinds & mixes with honey etc.
I don’t even paint & I want ALL of this!

Gosh. That was awesome. Craft porn. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


From the Fodder Challenge and using stuff I actually owned but not following the project exactly - I made tokens. They are meant to have holes and strings, and I may add them, but for now they are coin-like.

Some are two-sided and some have book text on the reverse. Some are on water color paper and the others on Bristol paper.

And it’s a bonus that any project fits in a Talenti jar (thanks to my mom and sister who consume gelato!)


Oh my! So colorful and fun.

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Another free taster session, August 1 - 6, 2023

You have the option to join for $99 to access more content.
I’m overwhelmed as it is so I’ll only do the free portion. Waiting for Megan Quinlan’s new paper doll class…


My friend Jes and I got together last night to do day 1 of the fodder challenge. We are seriously behind. I doubt I’ll make it through many more before access runs out. Though I really liked today’s so… :crossed_fingers: