Paper, Mixed Media, Art Journaling Craftalong 2023

I didn’t end up signing up this year because of scheduling and the price increase put me off a bit. I look forward to seeing what you make. Have fun!

I woke up headachy so who knows if I will do any of it live or just watch the videos later.

I wonder if the price increase is because before you got 2 options, video access for a couple of weeks or video access for a year and this year there wasn’t that option. I think we will get all year access by default:

This year, you’ll get all the 2024 content and any sessions from 2023 & 2022 from returning teachers. The older content will “drip” out to you each month so you have something to look forward to each month and to bring you back to your artsy practice over and over again.


I love the colors and the composition!

New thread for 2024!


I watched some this morning but since we have more time to view the videos, I think I’ll go finish The Crown. And be asleep by 9 pm if my neighbors aren’t &$@holes this year.


today was a blah day and I was trying to get rid of a headache so I took a super long nap. I started listening to the sessions around 6 but I am not arting along. I do have a couple of cool ideas already though.


The second half of the crown has been very tedious. But maybe it gets better!

I didn’t do the new years thing, but I’d love to hear of any inspiration you find @geekgirl

Bedtime here x


There are 30-minute and 60-minute classes. It seems to flow more this year. I missed some but they made paper feathers (Shemi Dixon), affirmation bits (Kristi from Soul Positive), and now an easy book with ripped holes like a tunnel book - not sure what it’s called with a lovely teacher named Joyce Van der Lely.