Paper Rosie

I attended a “Blind Date with a Book” event last month, and one of the activities was learning how to make paper roses out of book pages. I had a book fall apart on me years ago and I kept the pages. Finally had something to do with them!

I used water colors to paint front and back, then folded, cut, assembled.

I should have taken some in-progess pics but didn’t think of it. Here’s a practice one

This was the finished rose for my swap partner in the Sunshine & Rainbows Swap

I’ve had “Paper Rosie” by Gene Watson in my head for days now. (Also just found the song “Paper Roses” by Marie Osmond)


These are quite pretty and also a bit edgy.


Ooh, so pretty!!


Ooo! Beautiful!


Its so pretty and was perfectly colored for the Sunshine & Rainbows swap. I love it when you can see the text from book pages on projects. It’s so a nostalgic feeling for me.


:sunglasses: :cucumber: Cool as a cucumber, this project is featured this week! :cucumber: :sunglasses:


Beautiful. And now I want some paper roses!


Very nice to see your post of this pretty rose! Love the shape and the colours you used. :orange_heart:

Blind date with a book sounds like fun, what else did you do?

@wendiek Everyone brought at least one gently used book they loved, wrapped it, wrote a genre and brief synopsis, some just had ? for a true mystery.

The hostess had snacks, cupcakes, cookies, etc. Sparkling cider, wine, lemonaid, tea (she went all out). Then there was a meet n greet, most were her friends/family/coworkers but some were strangers.

Everyone got a raffle ticket per book to enter a raffle drawing. She had 2 raffle baskets with a book, a candle, a coffee mug, a bookmark, a “what to read next?” Jar which included suggestions like “purple cover” “starts with an S” type suggestions (reach in, grab a piece of paper, do what it says). I won one of the baskets.

As for the books: everyone got to pick one book per book they brought. But some used the opportunity to get rid of lots of books so those who wanted more books could get more. Then we took turns unwrapping like Xmas and sharing.

I screamed when I opened The Last Unicorn!

Then there was the rose making lesson.

Here are a couple event photos


Oooh that sounds and looks so wonderful and fun! What a great idea! :smiley:

I am going to suggest a smaller version of this to a few co-workers of mine to do with the kids they teach. I teach the kindergarden, so they don’t read themselves yet :wink:

@EclecticDreamer thanks for answering and posting pics! I am glad I asked, really fun!

And it all started with that pretty rose :orange_heart:


Books, creativity and good company!
I would have loved to have been there.

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This is beautiful! I especially love how you did the leaves and how they look like they have “folds” on them.

Thank you for sharing the information about the " blind date with a book" event! That sounds like so much fun! I might suggest a version of it for the programming department at my library :heart: :books: :heart:

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What a fun idea. I love this.
The roses are beautiful. You have inspired me. I’m totally going to google how to make those. Thanks :blush:


Wow!!! What an event! Pretty paper roses. You did very well with yours.

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