Pocket Frog

This little guy reminds me of old TV shows where there was always a sweet and mischievous boy who carried his frog around in a pocket. In a fit of whimsy, I’ve decided to carry him around in my purse.

The yarn is Cascade 220 Superwash - leftovers from the Doctor Who Scarf. The pattern is Frog by Claire Garland. It wasn’t difficult. The only sewing is attaching the back to the belly. The legs start with picked up stitches. Before I knew it, he was done. Quite a few ends to be woven in for such a little guy, though. But, not so many that I wouldn’t make another. I have quite a few little boys in my life that could use a pocket frog that wouldn’t horrify their mothers.


So cute.

The finger/toes are so teeny tiny!

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Thanks! Sitting, he’s about 3 inches/7.5cm tall.


Oh my gosh! So stinking cute!!

I know a couple girls who would love a pocket frog, too! :laughing:


He’s so adorable! My grand daughters would be asking to play with it every time I visited if I had that in my purse.


Love, love, love. LOVE! :frog: :green_heart: :green_heart: :green_heart:

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Such a cutie! He’d look jaunty sitting on a shelf, as well as peeking out of a purse.

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Thank you!

He’s absolutely adorable. And I’m sure you had to get a pack of safety eyes in that shape all at once, so it’s fated you make a frog (I just googled the collective term) army. :slight_smile: I love it so much!


Love, love, love this! Its so cute. If I could knit, I would be making a bunch!


Thanks! Yes, I picked up a bulk package of eyes on amazon (35 pairs in 7 colors), but I have pawned some off on @AntBee. :wink: Now she has to join me in knitting a frog army. :rofl: :joy: :rofl:


This is really cool. I just discovered yesterday that frog purses were a fashionable thing in the 16 and 17c centuries


Awww, he’s darling! I would definitely give him a kiss and not even mind if he didn’t turn into a prince! I mean, it’s just dumb to have a prince in your purse.


Thanks, everyone!

@Edel - that is fabulous! People have always been so delightfully weird!


Gah! How great is this?? He came out amazing and he is the perfect companion to travel in your purse. I believe I shall copy you- my purse is tweed and one will look so jaunty and unexpected when I rifle through it searching for my ever-elusive keys. I swear that purse was one M. Poppins’ personal property.

Seriously, good on you for finishing this fun fella even with the Christmas knitting looking on from the needles nearby. You are inspiring me to give up idle procrastination and embrace gettin’ shtuff done!

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I now strangely want a frog purse!! They are delightful!

FYI, I forgot what country it was in, but I was horrified to see actual toads used to make purses.

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Thank you!

He was a strategic pro-craft-ination. I needed something to break the monotony of just miles of stockinette/garter.


I’m in love! I need a pocket frog. I may have to find a crochet alternative.

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Frog Prince
Frog and Toad
Another Frog
Crocheted Frog by Claire Garland
Hopscotch the Frog


I love this! Its my dream to make tiny knitted animals in the style of Mochi Mochi Land. So far I can only crochet them, but i adore the look of knit so much more!

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