Quilt-along 2021

I’ve been out of town, but I’ll let you know when I get home tomorrow!

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For project storage it depends on the stage a little for me. If I haven’t started it yet it’s either in ziplocks or just stacked together. If I’ve started it and have pieces cut I try to keep them in a box or just on the sewing table. I try to finish one project before starting the next as much as I can. And we have a sewing room in my house.


Most of my “projects” are in plastic bins. All the fabric for the Dear Jane is together. Another has the Rainbow Ribbon. The third WIP is from Block Swaps so all the blocks are in another bin.

When I simply purchase buy fabric because I like it I have shelves set up sorted by color. Patterns have a bookcase where they all go.


I made a top today. Using a whack and stack technique. It seemed to be a fast quilt so I timed myself. From cutting to finishing the top-including the two borders was only 2 hours! And that included a couple of bad seams that had to be ripped out and resewn.

You need and 14" sq 12 different fabrics. I had a load of Harry potter FQ, and a few similar fabrics and I ended up with this. It’s a generous lapquilt size (56*44). I’ll eventually bind it in black. I followed the directions on just get it done quilts, for the ugly quilt.


I also did some experimenting with methods of making economy blocks to see which was fastest
Economy blocks and piecing hubris (pride and falls!).

I used some of the fabric I printed for the valentine’s cards swap as the middle of the red block.


I somehow changed my topic settings and wasn’t getting notifications! I was wondering why this thread was suddenly so quiet…it wasn’t! Welcome @carolb!

I just ordered some Robert Kaufman solids to make these Sew Fresh Quilts Mountain Range Blocks. I think I may combine two patterns. I think I may substitute those blocks for the large blocks in this Kananaski pattern, although I’ll probably have to adjust the block sizing on the Kananaski pattern to make it work. @edel, that pattern is super close to the Craftsman pattern you and I did last year!

Edit: I accidentally linked the mountains 2x, but craftADDchick linked the right one in the next post. Thanks for catching that!

I only ordered 1/2 yard of the colors I need to make the blocks. We’ll see how much that gets me, then I’ll decide what I want to do. I may use black or brown to border each block, and then pull out the colors from the mountain ranges into the rectangular blocks.


i really like that mountain range block! I’m adding it to my favorites for… someday! And, is this the Kananaskis pattern? https://payhip.com/b/56Y7

The above link goes to the mountain range pattern. But, if it is, I think it will look pretty cool if you can add the mountain range blocks in! I’m impressed that you have the creative mind to think about combining two patterns!


Yes it is, sorry for linking the wrong pattern!

When I saw the Kananaski pattern, I immediately thought of the Craftsman pattern too. I would love to see a combo quilt with the mountain block!

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Definitely not a problem! Google makes it easy :laughing: And, I am looking forward to seeing how you blend the two patterns!

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Yes that Kananaski really does look like the craftsman pattern, but it would work well with smaller prints. Adding it to my list


I am adding it to my list as well…

Those economy blocks you made are fantastic, @edel! I really do love the red one but they are all lovely…must add that one as well to showcase fabrics that I would love pieces of but not the whole yardage!

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I clicked on @Lynx links for the mountain, and then clicked on another link and then I was lost for a while in quilt block ideas land. The quilt block rabbit hole really sucks you in.

I’m back out again and have calmed down to sticking with simpler patterns for now. Whew, exciting world out there.


I have ordered the largest available size of cutting mat! It’s exactly the size of my sewing desk. Hope it will arrive quickly :smile:


@Immaculata new cutting mats are a joy!

I finished two quilts today, I made one top a couple of weeks ago and another yesterday. Sandwiched, quilted and bound them both today.

The sides of this one are actually straight! The photo and wind makes it look weird!


Oh wow, beautiful.

Wow, you are so productive! What do you do with all these quilts? Are they gifts, donated, just for you, or sold…?

Also, is there a cool way to make the economy block like there was for the sawtooth star, or do you just have to cut all the triangles out first and then sew them together?

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I’ve given a lot of quilts away in the last few months (about 10) but then I make a new one and I like it, so it joins the growing pile I have here. :grin: Our new house (whenever we get in to it) will be cold until we upgrade insulation and replace the windows. I think we’ll be grateful for the pile of quilts then. It’s still the middle of the night here (can’t sleep) and I’ve two on the bed. Lots of quilts!

I haven’t seen any cool methods for the economy block. But what I have been doing is cutting out stars out of scraps when I’m doing something else, so sewing up a quick economy block is a nice diversion. With the first cut centre, they are really pleasing to sew and look at when done. Like mini pictures.


The fabric arrived for the border and back. Ready now for sandwiching and quilting. I’ll have to clear a bit of floor space and dust mop up the fabric dust first.

This will be finished at about 4’ x 5.25 ’ a nice big lap quilt.


Ohhh I really love that! Keep it unde lock and key: that’s a high theft item!