Quiltalong - 2023

October BOM:

The second picture is an alternate layout that can be achieved by switching the order of the ‘V’ units.

Energize - nominated by AudiobookLover
Video walkthrough for making the 3" block
This block is block 24 in the ‘Sewcialites 2’ quilt along. You can google it to find a variety of blog posts that feature this block.


Congrats @marionberries!

And great BOM pick @AudiobookLover. I love how different it feels just by reversing the flying geese.

Really, really hoping to be able to post 4 FINISHED quilts very soon. I have all 4 quilted and trimmed down. For the two memory quilts, I actually have the machine portion of the binding sewn on. I keep trying to get to hand stitching the back, but Ada’s been teething hardcore for what feels like a month, and she just doesn’t want to be in my studio with me to do it, and if I try hand sewing in the living room, she tries to grab the quilt, the thread, the needle. :woman_facepalming:

Now with the Scrappy Mail Swap going on, it’s making me desperately want to finish my 2021, 2022, and 2023 BOM quilts, all of which are just a huge pile of blocks waiting to become quilts.


Thank you everyone! And @AudiobookLover fun October blocks.

And @MistressJennie I applaud you for crafting at all with a teething baby. I feel there were years I did nothing but mend baby clothes.


Poor kiddo was slow to have teeth come in, and now it seems like she’s playing catchup. She’s had 2 molars come in over two weeks.


Now that the weather is a bit cooler, and because I got to play with my fabrics…I, also, have the urge to make all the quilt blocks or use them up!


-I MistressJennie, offer my Scrap-Busting Diamond Trip Quilt for my Medium challenge entry.


Beautiful and I love the miniature human for scale. Makes it look even bigger! Congrats on finishing!


She’s gotten so big!

Lovely quilt

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I Edel, submit this as my large item for this quarter.

It’s finally finished! Thanks for your input folks. I really didn’t think it would go together as well as it did, because it was not laying completely flat, but I managed without any overlapping lines of quilting.


It turned out absolutely beautiful!


It’s absolutely stunning. It reminds me of the stained glass rose windows in old churches.


That is amazing! I love how vibrant it is and the shape is so cool!

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I love how vibrant it is!

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I can’t even remember what the choices were, but you must have picked the right one because it turned out gorgeous!


This is beautiful! You did a great job with the fabric choices, they really make the whole design pop!

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So gorgeous!!

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I thought I had posted this already, but it looks like I hadn’t, so here it is. I completed the Diamond Trip a few days ago. @AudiobookLover, do you want me to go back and edit that post to add that it was a completed goal?

Meanwhile, I have completed the labels for the memory quilts, and was able to sew them on during the Sunday Zoom Meetup. As soon as I can get good pictures, I’ll post those. And today, I finished binding the last of the stack of 4 quilts on my table!

Fourth Quarter Goals List
-Complete the memory quilts for my cousin Jessica.
-Complete my Diamond Trip Quilt.
-Complete my Have a Heart Quilt.

-Piece Halloween BOM’s into a quilt top
-Finish the Halloween quilt???

-I MistressJennie , offer my Have A Heart Quilt for my Medium personal finish.
And it crosses something off my goal list!!!


@MistressJennie, I have added both finished goals and both finished quilts to the tracking sheet, so no need to edit your other post.
Both of your finished quilts came out great! I can’t zoom in far enough, but it looks like you have a colorful binding on the heart quilt, did you do a scrappy binding or use a colorful fabric?

My parents arrived for a visit a week and a half ago. I didn’t know they would be here until a week before, so I hurried to finish my current swap before they arrived, but that didn’t leave me with time to finish my mom’s Candy Corn Quilt Shoppe quilt. I really want to finish it so I can gift it before they leave, but I want to keep it a surprise. They’ll be gone part of the day tomorrow, so I’m really hoping to finish it then. I just have to bind, label, and embellish it. Unfortunately, LittleBookLover is getting over being sick and I’ve caught what he had, so I’m hoping that I’ll have the energy and that I’ll be able to keep LittleBookLover happy and busy with a new toy :crossed_fingers:t3:. Wish me speed and efficiency (two things I typically lack :grimacing:)!


My hubby has that nasty stomach bug that is going around…I have tried three times to work on my MT Bobbins project! Yikes…I know we both were trying to get our Halloween projects done! Hope you at least get yours done for your mom!!!


Your poor husband! I hope you don’t get it. At least there’s still 2 weeks before Halloween. Hopefully I’ll get my own Candy Corn Quilt Shoppe done in that time!