Quiltalong - 2025

I @Immaculata offer Hide and Seek as a small personal finish.

Hide and seek quilt


Good questions!

If I am playing two cards, does it mean I have to do two of each prompt to mark it off?
No, a single project or prompt can be used for both cards.

Also, could you explain the “create a quiltalong BOM”…does it mean completing one on here or we have to design one?
You just need to complete one of the monthly BOMs that we are doing here in the Quiltalong.

I have also added these clarifications to the Bingo post at the top.


We have another special Bingo call today!

Today’s Bingo prompt is:
Create a post (here in the Quiltalong) sharing your favorite quilt project


My favorite quilt project:

I’ve worked on multiple quilt projects and while I’ve mostly really enjoyed all of them, one in particular stands out as my favorite - the Candy Corn Quilt Shoppe quilts that I finished back in 2023.

I made the one on the left for myself and the one on the right for my mom. This was the first project of this type that I had worked on. The blocks were all created with my embroidery machine and then later embellished with a variety of elements. I learned so much from this project, including how to create background quilting for individual blocks, I discovered that I can embroider on mylar for an unexpected sparkle effect, and I also learned how to add dimension using foam under the embroidery. This project was so much fun (right up until the final stages when it became work, lol) and it sparked a desire in me to create similar projects in the future. As a result, I am now the proud owner of many more design discs and kits to make similar projects, including individual mini quilts for each month of the year (I’m nearly done with January!), plus larger fall, Christmas, and sewing related wall quilts as well.


Those were so awesome! It was like each block had some new and interesting technique. The design was also very cute. It was fun watching you pick out fabrics for the two different quilts…each was so unique but still were tied together by the common elements. I think they were my favorite of the ones you made!

My favorite quilt project was requested by my husband’s cousin, Mo. She had breast cancer and had to go through weeks of chemotherapy. At each one of her sessions, she was given a tubular knit hat/scarf to cover her bald head. After her treatment, she asked me if I could make her a quilt with those hats.

I never made a quilt using such thin knits before. I figured I could watch some YouTube videos on t-shirt quilts to get some tips and hints. First of all, she sent me a box that probably had 60 or so hats. It was a bit depressing thinking of her sitting in a chair and then getting so sick afterwards. I actually cried as I was selecting that hats that sort of went together.

Anyway, I backed each one with knit interfacing to stabilize the knit without losing the softness. I used regular quilting cotton as sashing and a fleece blanket as the backing. I did a fairly simple quilt pattern just to hold the layers together. It became one of the most favorite things I ever made.

Mo has been cancer free for a very long time. I would like to think that her quilt was a reminder to her of how short life can be and how she had to endure a lot to fight this disease.


Wow! What an extraordinary quilt.
The layout was a great choice for showcasing the fabrics and the fleece backing undoubtedly makes it quite cozy.You really did a beautiful job on it!


Today is Wednesday which means it’s Bingo call day!

Today’s Bingo prompt is:
Try a new (or rarely used by you) technique


Remember when Snuggies were the rage? My brother had bought everyone in the family one for Christmas. Basically, they were a fleece blanket with sleeves…and not very practical. Well, a few months later, everyone was going to either throw them out or donate them, so I took them. They were the perfect size for a nice lap sized quilt!

Yes, cozy and hopefully remindered her that she survived!


That’s why I love how you showcased the fabrics - each one is a reminder of what she went through and now here they are altogether, showcased in a triumphant display of survival. Beautiful and touching :heart:.


@AIMR that is an amazing quilt xx



Quick and dirty quilt top from some of the leftover 5” squares.


So pretty! Are these leftover from the ghost quilts?


That’s gorgeous

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I love how the diamond pattern is off to the left rather than right in the center.

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Yes, that really gives it a fresh modern look!

Mr Imma is away tonight, so I think I’m going to treat myself to some takeout, and get to work on finishing my Halloween quilt tonight! Or at least, get it sandwiched on the living room floor so I can finish this weekend. I’ve found a fun Halloween-themed backing fabric in my stash and I’ll quilt it the same way as the Hide and Seek quilt.


Yes…you must finish it! I am doing one as well using yours for inspiration! I need to get backing for it…let’s get our Halloween quilts done! YAY!


Yes, I have tons of 5” squares left. Too many to fit into my 5” squares bin. So I decided to see how many things I can make with them.

I started 16 more square in a square blocks last night with those and some 2.5” strips. They will only come to 9”, which will only make a 36” top, so I’m trying to decide if I should do another round of strips, or add sashing or something.

Still have a huge stack of squares…


Calling for help, I’m currently paralysed by too much choice and can’t settle on a scrap quilts design. I have a load of 2.5" strips of all lengths and other random scraps.

Recommend me one quilt please, your favourite scrappy design, it might help me narrow things down


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Potato Chip Blocks are my go-to for scraps

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