I had this idea to make a mask using the plastic wrap fabric transfer method for my blog in a fun bright retro print. Rainbow Brite gave me some inspiration, so I made up this template and tested the design.
I think it was half successful but would change a few things and make this a disposable mask only with no back panel. But I thought I would share here as I will not be putting this version on my webpage and thought you guys might get a kick out of it
After sewing on the second layer and pulling through to the correct way out, I felt it creased the paper transfer layer a lot. Due to that, and I don’t think it will wash well, one layer & disposable it is lol I also wouldn’t wear for too long, more for short outings and as a novelty, it’s hot under there
Let me know what you think, I am thinking a printable 80’s cartoon collection would be cool, maybe even in the rectangle style mask design for a no-sew design
The plastic wrap is the easiest transfer method I have come across. I am not sure what it is called overseas but in Australia, we call it plastic cling food wrap.
Print out your picture and cut the design. Put 2 layers of the plastic wrap on the front and back and place over your fabric. Iron with a baking paper over the top so the plastic melts it all together.
If you use for t-shirt designs then do a square or rectangle and fold the plastic over the edge so once ironed you have no plastic shine edge.
I think I have more photos on my phone, I will see if any explains better
Cool! Thank you for the explanation! I can see how all those layers could feel a little steamy when worn lol. But I’d still wear it. And it sure looks cool!!
Awesome! I made my two favorite masks out of a Rainbow Brite twin flat-sheet hem, with the basic rectangle and a filter layer inside. Not only is yours a better-made mask, the images on yours are smaller so it’s easier to tell what they are (mine just have segments of characters). 80s cartoon masks should be a thing if they aren’t already. A Care Bear Stare is probably the best wordless message that could be on a mask.
Yes, 80s cartoon series FTW. I found a sewn table runner at the thrift store that was made from ORIGINAL Strawberry Shortcake fabric. I’m pretty over the moon about it.
Is this paper with a layer of plastic on each side, or does the image transfer to fabric or something?
If it’s plastic-coated, can any air get through?
Seems like a fun technique for something, but non-breathable masks seems counter intuitive.
I googled. Read three blogs. Everybody calls it transfer, and nobody tells you if the print goes face up or face down. So I found a YouTube, which shows the technique clearly. (Layer fabric-plastic wrap-face up picture-plastic wrap-parchment paper, then iron)
It’s really not a transfer, it’s a stick-plastic-coated-paper-to-fabric technique.
It didn’t survive the washing machine on that video, but she used a whole sheet of paper (small pieces might work better), and applied it to a tee shirt (stretchy fabric + not stretchy paper = problems). And maybe she didn’t iron enough. Sewing around the edges would certainly help.
Yes, it mostly washes well on smaller projects in cold water, hand washed. I think it’s more for quick projects and a cheap way to get pictures onto fabric. It’s very thick when on the fabric like the t-shirt transfer paper you buy from the shops that you iron on, which also do not wash the best
Works well on non-stretchy fabric like cotton. You can sew through it but it would need to be long stitches to not put too many holes in the paper