Rufio battle armor Halloween costume

We have been doing our best to indoctrinate our seven year old with the excellent films of the 90’s. Imagine my happiness, then, when he asked me to make him a Rufio costume for Halloween! And not just regular Rufio — Rufio from the end of the movie, when he is battling Hook and decked out in his armor. I was thrilled to oblige!

From the top down:

  • Used black hair wax to dye and spike his hair.
  • Cut a red mohawk wig in thirds and stitched wig clips onto the three pieces to complete Rufio’s distinctive ‘do.
  • Threw together a quick earring with red suede, clip on earring base, feathers, and beads.
  • For the necklace, I sculpted the boar’s teeth out of air dry clay and painted them with acrylic paints. Used black string, and hung a tea strainer from the center.
  • For the bamboo collar: glued trimmed & painted bamboo garden stakes onto a cardboard collar base, then covered the bottoms with dyed, frayed, and gathered fabric to mimic the feathers used in the movie.
  • Bone armor and all bone pieces: did a faux aging job on several sets of mini femurs. Mounted with plastic beads in between on rubber cording meant for pony beads. Glued the whole chest/back/sleeve armor piece to the underside of the collar.
  • Crop top: serged together, using two colors of knit fabric.
  • Vest: heavily modified a boys’ button down shirt pattern with a one piece yoke and mandarin collar. Used faux leather. Added a crapton of fringe and lots of beads.

  • Double headed serpent vest clasp: sculpted out of air dry clay and painted with acrylics.
  • Elbow/knee pads: distressed tubes of knit fabric.
  • Gloves: cut the fingertips off of black gloves from the Halloween store and sewed aged bones onto them.
  • Pan sword: spray painted the blade of a cheap plastic sword gold. Cut a coconut in half, added a slit, and slipped the blade in. Handle is a cardboard tube covered in a leather scrap.
  • Loincloth: Red suede with beads.
  • Jeans: Distressed a pair of black skinny jeans.
  • Shoes: some kind of weird red dance boot that I found for cheap on Amazon.


This is so great!

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Wow! Amazing :grinning:

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WOW and WHOA! I don’t know who Rufio is, but I do know that this costume and the kiddo in it are AMAZING! You’re pretty all right yourself mama!


Great costume, looks just like the movie!

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WOW!!! There are so many amazing details! I love that you took the time to break down all the design elements, it helped me see parts that I may have missed otherwise (like the earring, or the fancy red boots). You went above and beyond on this costume, this is outrageously well done!! Your son looks thrilled and like he’s having a blast!

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This is truly epic, so much attention to detail, bravo!!

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Omg I love you


I love you, too Rae :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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This is Epic!!! And kiddo looks so happy! Amazing job.

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Dang!!! That is awesome!

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That is fabulous, and your kid looks like he’s having so much fun!!

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THIS. IS. EPIC. :heart: :black_heart: :heart:


Wow! Such an amazing costume!!!

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I think you may have just taken “mom of the year.” I want one of these in my size, now.


Ruffio! Ruffio! Ruffi-ooooooooooooo!

This is perfect! You rock!


wow! perfect details.

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I knew this was Rufio from the second I opened the page! So many freaking details!!

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RU-FI-OOOOOOOOH MY GOSH! This is incredible!

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What an incredible costume! Absolutely ingenious in every aspect. Great photos too, so much character shining through.

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