Scrappy patchwork baskets

Needed 3 baskets for the kids spring treats

Scrappy stash pile to the rescue!

The opening to turn them right side out was at the top edge of the bucket & got closed with top stitching so NO hand sewing, yay!

They started out exactly the same size but I trimmed each one so they’d be slightly different. Kids can get weirdly possessive about the one they consider “theirs”.

They are filled with carrot treat bags made earlier, all from stash!

Since my kids paid zero attention to what their treats were inside, these baskets were donated to the Craft Stars Garage Sale.



These are awesome!

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I’m so happy to have them done in time for tomorrow! I bought the canvas for another recent project so all the fabric was already on hand except the blue gingham lining that my daughter picked out at the fabric store today. I could have used stash but I love that she helped.


These are really wonderful! I love the clean look of them—how the scraps are all in a tidy line. Colorful and fun while also modern and classy.


They look great, cheerful, add just the right size! Great job crafting on the fly!

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These are lovely! Did you use a particular pattern, or just make it up?

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These are utterly charming! Of course those carrot bags take it into the stratosphere!

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I love them! Is the canvas supportive enough to keep them standing or did you add any stiffening?

And will you adopt me


LOL, done!

I watch sewing videos at night whilst relaxing to get sleepy so I’ve seen lots of basket construction. I just winged these starting with a long wide strip of batting I sewed pieces of quilting cotton to qayg style, then cut into 3 strips, one for each basket.
There is some stiff interfacing inside on the lining fabric, I chose that instead of foam so the top edge can be folded down for more versatility. And so they can be folded for storage because I am not doing this again next year. They each loved their baskets full of carrots & said they’ll never get too old for candy, silly me.


These are so cute!

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Awesome!! Those are some lucky kids! :wink: love the color contrasted with the neutral too.

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I LOVE these baskets. I think I may have to make some of these!

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Here’s a similarish basket from a channel I enjoy. I watch these on mute when I’m sleepy so no idea if there’s talking or annoying music, sorry if there is!

I love these! I really like the single scrappy band. It adds such a fun pop of color while maintaining a very orderly look to the overall basket. That blue gingham is the perfect spring touch to transform it into something Eastery.

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What a great destash project! I love the little pop of blue on the top of the two baskets for a little extra oomph! They’re amazing since there’s no hand sewing. That can always deter me from finishing a sewing project even though it really doesn’t take that long!

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