I made this biscornu back in 2020 and shared it in the Nerd Games, but never gave it its own post. This is one of those patterns that caught my eye, and while I don’t really like seagulls IRL, I just had to make this. I think it turned out rather cute.
I love it, the birds are super cute & they look great on that blue background.
Gulls remind me of growing up at our on the lake each summer. Yes, they are obnoxious creatures but they represent years of hot sunny fun!
We used to have a ton of them on the Air Force base I lived on as a kid near Fairbanks, AK. I’m not sure why we had so many gulls hanging around. There are lakes and rivers there, but we were super far from the ocean/coast, and it’s not like Fairbanks is a warm place. They would get into fights (and lose) with the ravens over food. It was weird.
Very cool design! I like how the birds sort of Tetris together.
I love the randomness of having a seagull biscornu, so wonderfully whimsical!
That shape could make a good lookin’ pigeon too. Those are my favourite obnoxious bird
Makes me think of Finding Nemo
Mine! Mine!
This would be a great entry for the Peek Behind the Curtain Challenge !
I already posted there Thanks!
Something about those birbs makes me chuckle!
So cute!
What a fun little biscornu! The color make it look so fresh and airy.
This is a very timely post!!
Seagull mating season has ended and protecting the eggs / babies season is upon us. Many noisy seagull fights going on outside whilst I’m trying to work!!!
They are not my fave bird either!!
This is so cute and the color combo is fabulous. I love the little pops of yellow from the feet.
Here comes the bird nerd in me … the term seagull is a misnomer, they are called Gulls and each one has its own name, like Ring-billed Gull, Herring Gull, etc. The vast majority live inland, around lakes and cities, there are a few varieties that only live on the coast though. Some varieties don’t migrate and tolerate cold weather so you’ll see them in the winter too.
Congratulations! Your cute little Seagull Biscornu is a Featured Project this week!
This is super cute! I love the pattern the birds make. I agree, seagulls are integral to most of my summery memories!
I keep thinking about a pigeon version of this, I may just have to see what I can do…
Yes! Do it! The colors just need a little change