Show us your backyard!

Our backyard oasis. Excuse the thick layer of pollen everywhere! We spend a lot of time out back year round. The flower pots were just planted with herb seeds. I love having herbs so close to the kitchen! They were originally on the edge of our deck and a bunny got into every single one so we moved them. So far so good.
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Is that a hanging fire pit? It’s like a cauldron. I love it!

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Yep, it’s called a Cowboy Cauldron. It has a grate for cooking on top of or you can remove it and just have a fire pit. We love it.


That is such a cool fireplace. Pit? Bowl? LOL, whatever you call it, it is so interesting & different.
We’ve been working on our yard & it’s really coming along. We aimed for a calm, peaceful cottage/camping like setting, since we’ve been missing that a lot these past couple summers

We picked up lavender & a highbush blueberry for the corners today.

I won’t bother describing the multi-sectioned & tiered weirdness this back 1/3 of the yard was when we moved in :roll_eyes:. Suffice it to say it’s been a lot of work leveling & filling it in.

The Viking is in the hammock recovering from all the work he’s been doing.


How relaxing!

I want to hang out there. The splashes of color are divine.

Come on by!


Oh my goodness! That looks so inviting!!!

I got inspired to finish the rest of the backyard. Sorry for the spam (not sorry)


Loving that fountain set up & all the lush greenery! That looks like an invitation for parties!

Today I rummaged the jewelry making supplies…

…& cobbled together enough wire, chain & rings to string up these candle holders!


Both of those yards look so inviting!! I should really finish up my backyard soon.

I do wonder though - do you guys live in places where it doesn’t rain frequently, or do you move everything indoors every time it may rain?

Wow those yards look amazing! Mine look like we’re testing missiles or something!

It’s all meant to live outside except for one hammock & I guess the candles. Those unhook easily enough & can be stowed in something water tight or inside.

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Those lights are like fireflies!

Ok, one more. A friend had a 4 panel divider made of a very solid frame but missing fabric. We really have no room for such a thing & it was actually by the road but nobody picked it up. Good thing because we had the idea to make a new wood stand. It took me most of the day but I think it turned out pretty good.

Solid with good clearance underneath.

The trellis were left over from previous gardening, they help hold the wood in. I’ll sew a tarp cover by autumn, I hope so anyhow!



Right now the front yard is where it’s at.

Check out that amaranth

This one’s a monster already!


So pretty!

Thats so beautiful!!! I am no landscaper I do houseplants and outside I prefer bushes and trees lol

Currently my house has a moat around it because we are redoing all the grading and drainage…do drain tiles and rocks count?

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How cool would it be to have a real, proper moat with a drawbridge around your property?

@Magpie that looks great! And judging by the small bits and pieces I can see, your house itself is probably also really cool.

hahahaha well the big one is now done and filled but at one point we had a 6 ft ditch from the back of the house out to the back yard. Its where you would enter the fenced in patio and pool area and to travers the moat we did have a draw bridge LOL It was a platform of wood to stretch across that then we had to pull up for access reasons. I referred to it as our white trash draw bridge! I am glad its gone!

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