Show us your backyard!

My landscaper keeps bringing me these plants…apparently, they grow quite well in the heat with little water and come back double each year(I do have to drag the pots into the garage if frost might happen…)…this is the one that sits on our patio…I have a few in baskets and in the front yard…no deadheading needed…they just keep blooming all year!

That is my cucumber plant on the right…I had to put it in the shade because it was getting scorched…it gets a lot of less intense morning light and is shaded in the afternoon…so far, three cucumbers have been consumed!

In the upper left, you can see the remains of the poor tree that blew over during Hurricane Florence…it was huge maple tree. A chipmunk lives there now…and he is biting into my tomatoes, but I don’t have the heart to have him removed.


Are they gloxinia?

No, they are similar to mandevilla vines…they are diplanedia…bushy and not as viney…

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The clematis we planted is getting HUGE.

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Got home 2 days later to blooms

Another 3 days, wow!