Show us your harvest!

You are so lucky! They are gorgeous


High heat and hungry birds limited my harvest, but there were a few tiny cherry tomatoes ripe and the peppers are happy.

Lifesaver for scale.


Well those are just adorable.

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Those peppers are gorgeous.

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My zucchini plant is still going strong… So I canned two massive jars of pickled zucchini. The jars are 3 pints each, it’s 2 kg of zucchini in total. Any zucchini after this will probably be dehydrated in the oven.


Harvest day! (Well, harvest five minutes, to be accurate.) There is a chance of first frost tomorrow so I pulled a few things.

This year was just an experiment, as my first time growing things in a region and climate that gets a lot of rain. Things grow so lush and beautiful in the wild here I wanted to see what I would get if I did no fertilizer or pest management.
I had put an old russet potato in a burlap sack with soil, and got as much back as I had planted, but after letting them sit there for a few days no wildlife has touched them, so I don’t trust them… I’m just going to leave them to go back to the earth. :slightly_smiling_face:
I stuck a dried out piece of ginger in my window box, and had a bunch of nice shoots with some wee baby nubs. Good enough for some tea.
I bought a single shoot of galangal (a ginger used in Thai food) in the ground and it tripled in about four months. There is one nice big chonk of root that I think I’ll save indoors and re-plant next year, and just use the little pieces for now.
There are a couple cucumber chubs in pots I’ll leave them on the vine for now. And I’m just going to cover my basil overnight in hopes that it has another few weeks.
There was no deer, rodent or insect interest in these plants, which makes me a little suspicious! But it is exciting to have as much as this after a complete lack of effort on my part. Next year, if I decide not to move, I’ll do the same procedure in the same places but add proper nutrients throughout the season.


I love the idea of growing galangal! It’s sooo good. That’s a nice harvest!

Growing garlic and onions for the first time. Three of the pools are planted with garlic rounds using cloves left over from the winter planting.

Herbs are doing well. This is Thai Basil. It smells wonderful, just a little hint of licorice to it.

Herbs we used to make the pasta sauce better, technically our first harvest this year.


Congrats on your first harvest! We let our Thai basil go to seed every year and have tiny plants showing up everywhere.

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I had never heard of it before, but loved the look and smell of it at the nursery. So it just had to come home. Now we have 3 basil varieties, but each is unique in flavor so it still works.

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Don’t go to any store hungry. We thought that home depot would be safe, a week ago,since they just have a few snacks at the checkout. We went in for a gate latch stuff came out with 60 onion sets.

Add in 3 wading pools and I guess the garden expanded again.


Love it! We gardened quite successfully in baby pools before we added our raised beds.


Here’s what I brought up from the garden this morning. Our first asparagus from a bed we put in last year, lettuce and yay, garlic scapes! Gonna make a Caesar salad for dinner tonight.


So pretty!

Brought these in this morning.


Looks good! I’ve been picking about a handful of snow peas every day. I eat stir fry dishes quite often so I just mix them in whatever I’m eating. And I can’t wait until my strawberries are finally ripe - I’ve been inspecting them about a dozen times every day but somehow that doesn’t make them ripen faster? :confused: The garlic is almost ready to harvest as well.

This was a few days ago, today’s harvest was bigger.

Is anyone else harvesting? The forum software is reminding me that I should give other people space to share their points of view too :wink:

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So many pretty bits of green. Yum!

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We finally got some tomatoes! These are the yellow and brown/purple cherry tomatoes.

My midnight snack, dark purple cherry tomatoes after getting there too!


Lucky! Ours are so tiny still.