SOCKALONG with me - Knit, Crochet, Loom

I remember you starting that olive lol

It’s like the year when I was a kid that my mother carried a full watermelon everywhere for like the entire summer. So much so that we just called it “the baby.” She brought it to every picnic and every get together and no one ever really wanted it so she never cut into it. Lol


Fool of a Took!
Did 4 rounds, forgot to do the second cable and now have to tink the whole lot out.
The end


Unpicking at the library while my kid instructs others how to play with the dollhouse. (Apparently one is “supposed” to play “full days” not all willy-nilly meal times and such. Ay yi yi

[expletive deleted] Update.

I unpicked it all. Took forever. Then stitched back up to move forward.

And I think I did the wrong cable. :weary:

I want to leave it and just keep going but then these can only be for me and I’ve been toying with the idea of gifting them if completed by the June birthday of an equally big-footed friend.

So now to unpick the same 4 effing rows. Again. Kill me.


It’s a really pretty pattern, @AntBee - sorry to hear it’s giving you fits.

I started a pair of sport-weight socks on Easter. Just Yer Basic Sport Socks in Ella Rae Eco Tweed. Just got to the heel last night, but wasn’t in the mood to try anything new (this is my first pair of needle-knit socks). I really like this yarn.


Can anyone help my old eyes here? Is this a dropped stitch or is it just a gap? I’ve unpicked my way back to the cable and now I am looking at this spot.


Is your count off? I admit I had a similar looking spot on my socks, so I’m thinking it’s just a gap. I forged ahead and probably only I can see the offending spot now.


I’ll have to go back to it and count the stitches, good point. I was unpicking during Kidlet’s dance class 45 minutes and had to pack it up. Of course it wouldnt be the first time I drop a real stitch and somehow make up a fake one, lol.

Knitting is fun, right? Right? I’m totally going back to my Christmas socks after this. Lol


I have a heel! It wasn’t that bad (mostly because Crazy Sock Lady has a good video tutorial).


Yay heel!


Your sock looks good! And you’re past the most difficult part now.


Thank you! I was worried that I wouldn’t like knitting socks, but I’m enjoying it…at least this style.


Looking good! I have a book with over 50 different kind of heels, toes, cuffs, etc. It is fun to try different ones, but I have favorites and then discover even more on YouTube or Ravelry…it is a lifelong learning hobby!

BTW, I haven’t forgotten about the sock prize drawing for last quarter…I have just been a little slammed with the tax deadline being this Monday!!! Almost there!


It’s a little stretched out from taking it on and off a few times, but it’s done and it fits. I’ll probably start the second one tonight if I’m not too exhausted. It really went fast. It’s sport weight, so I’m sure that makes a big difference, but I feel like tackling a lighter sock wouldn’t be too bad. I need a stretchier cast-on than long-tail, though.


It looks great!! You rock every craft you try so I’m not surprised!


Well done!
For stretchy cast on I like this video:


I like the German twist cast one as well for stretchy things. I sometimes use a crochet cast on for a shorter sock…it is not as stretchy but it gives a really nice edge.


Thank you!

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Awesome! Thank you! I’ll have to try that for my next pair of socks/mitts.


Now I have to, HAVE TO, learn how to knit so I can justify buying this organizing kit from Thread & Maple. Have you ever seen anything so desirable? I don’t need that but I don’t even care, me wanty.


Me to myself: Don’t look, don’t look, don’- (hand clicks the link) ohhhhh.

In Those Socks news: They’re back in time-out. The heel flap is being cheeky. I’ll glare at it for a few hours and go back to it later.

(I just also clicked through to the shop. @AIMR you are going to LOVE them. Be thee warned, that crafty Siren Magpie is wooing the money right out of our accounts. lol)