SOCKALONG with me - Knit, Crochet, Loom

They turned out very nice!!! I really love socks that are not matchy-match exactly…

It has been so warm where I live so it has been hard for me to get into knitting much…decided to sort of bag up some yarn and print out some picks as inspiration…I have loads of sock yarn.


Not sure if there are rules about not reviving threads after a certain dormant time but I wanted to share that I am halfway done with the second yoga sock for my cousin’s September past(!) Birthday. Honestly, I came thisclose to just finding some on etsy and drop shipping them to her and washing my hands of the project. First I kinda lost my mojo for them. Then I plodded through the second one for a while and, though not half way in I was doing alright when my two year old found it unattended and… well, let’s just say there was an unexpected trip to Frog City.
I’m halfway in now and cruising for hopefully to get them to her by Valentine’s Day… and never leaving them below counter level!


I tend to get one sock syndrome…especially if the one sock did not turn out the way I wanted…most are too big for me…so I can’t decide to let it go, make the match, frog it or what…I have about five one socks…I was hoping to use this thread to get them done one way or the other!


Sock are pretty much all I knit. I’ve made at least 2 dozen pairs.
Right now I’m making a pair of scrappy sock to cull out some of my leftover sock yarn balls.


One thing I was told years ago, that makes so much sense to me.
Either have busy yarn, OR a busy pattern. I think it makes so much sense. If you have a really busy yarn, stripes, variegated, whatever, your beautiful cables and fancy stitches will be totally lost. Save those for the plainer yarns, where your skills can really shine.


The square DPN’s for me

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If you don’t finish the other socks, socks are also ideal for cleaning! It may feel like a bit of a waste but it’s a bigger waste to leave them in a drawer.

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I use old white socks to dust with…I have decided that I really enjoy making scrappy socks so I am going to take three of the socks and combine them together to make a scrappy pair. I think what happens for me is that I get bored with them unless the yarns change or the pattern is complex just as @subee says…I never thought about it and I think she nailed it on the head!

I am excited now…and I did buy a sock measure tool as well so that will help me get the size right.


i have been in a sock slump for awhile now…first the holidaze rush at work, then all the tired…now i am just full of MEH. i literally have 3 rounds left on the first sock and then i’m on to the toe decrease. i love this yarn i got from wool interrupted, so i really dont know what my hold up is.

(the sock is on my hand, not my foot, i am not THAT flexible this early in the morning…lolz)


lol Maybe we can just goad each other into finishing our socks! lol…I love that colorway…soft and the sock is so long…I don’t have the patience to knit a long sock…yet…lol

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here’s hoping!!! it is cold now, so ankle socks aren’t cutting it…lol

i think i need to cast on something small in a nice bulky yarn to get something done fast and furious to spur me on…the blanket i am working on is going to be awhile, because of course i want to make a blanket with sock yarn…

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I love that long sock and yes, I totally thought that was your leg! I was impressed! :rofl:


Hi there, just had to share that my socks are done! They have their issues, but they’re wearable and I’ve redone them too many times already. :laughing: Sock 1 was done last August; 2nd sock syndrome was very present!



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they look worth the effort, awesome job!

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Nice!!! I finally frogged the one sock I made that was way too big…I could not even think of making the second one correctly with that big old thing staring at me…now I feel motivated to start again…and I did get some new tools that will help me size better…


Reviving this thread cause cooler weather is coming and I need to make some socks for presents and for me. LOL! I am doing them on a loom.
Has anyone else made them on a sock loom before?


Oooh! I have missed this thread! I finished my first pair of socks earlier this month, and my friend who got them bought more yarn, so I can make more socks for him!
At the moment Im waiting for some yarn, because the next pair Im gonna make is an xmas gift for my little brother. Then my friend is gonna get his socks, and after that Im gonna make a pair for myself.

Here is the socks that I have made, even though you might already have seen them.


I have 3 pair of socks on my list for Christmas, too, once I get through the Fall crafting bits I’ll be picking that yarn up as well.


After seeing the cool socks @loves2experiment posted, I am in the mood to finish a few pairs I already have on needles and to start another set. I, personally, do not like wearing handmade socks, so just about all socks I make are for others.