State Fair Cake, Take Two

Last year I entered the Texas state fair in their new virtual contest with the hope of earning a blue ribbon (a personal bucket list item) and walked away happily with a red ribbon. I’m attempting it again this year since they offered up virtual options again. This time the virtual options were much more limited—the only cake option was “Big Tex” themed (fair mascot). Though I feel like last year’s attempt was technically better (and more my speed, aesthically), I decided to attempt to pad my chances by going with a design based off of 2021’s poster instead of the classic look.

Inside was banana cake with French buttercream (chosen only for personal preference since it was the decorating that mattered—my family ate the cake). Outside decor was Swiss meringue buttercream with a cookie/Royal icing topper.

Here’s the inside for fun

And the poster for 2021

Outside frosting was made by piping designs bit by bit/freezing/adding more to a sheet of parchment, then wrapping it around the cake. Normally, you would smooth it, but I was worried that would muddy the white bits, so it’s a bit scraggly in places. Here’s a video that explains the technique better (I don’t know the person who created the video)

I find out sometime in September if I placed!


Wow! I admire someone who can decorate cakes. I’m lucky to bake something edible. Best wishes from another Texan.

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And best of luck from this Virginian! It’s fantabulous

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Wow! That’s a Texas-worthy entry! Good luck!!

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I really hope you win the blue! Your cakes are fabulous with such fun details…the re-creation of an older time might just be a hit with the judges!

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This is sure to be a hit! And the cake itself, sounds delicious!

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Whoa! You nailed the poster! I love the little fanfare at the bottom of the cake.

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That’s an amazing cake! Wow!

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This looks delicious and lovely! I hope you will win!!

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:tada: Congrats! This crafty goodness is one of this week’s featured projects! :tada:

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Wow!! That’s amazing!! And good luck, good luck, good luck!!

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Great job! I recognized Tex right away and bit is he looking festive!

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Your description of the cake made me drool. I bet it was scrumptious! It looks amazing. Fingers crossed on the contest!



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Ooeh this is cute! I hope you placed and get your precious blue ribbon! (I have no clue as to what their order or value is, but I hope you get the one you want!)
I remember your cake from last year! That was really cool!

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