STS (Shop The Swap) 2022 Fall Market Discussion

That’s up to you, I’ve seen it done both ways. :slight_smile: There’s no requirement for doing it either way.


You could mention you are making them for the STS in hopes of more people joining!


Got excrjinking for once I have stuff to offer, only to see it’s just US😟 hoping a fellow Canadian would be up for hosting one for us.

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If you want to host one PM me, i can help!


Thanks Gozer, I did see that, but I know having stuff to sell/send is doable, hosting is just not a goid choice right now.

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Working on shop stuff!! :blush: Something I haven’t tried before…, hope it works the way I imagine!!


I live in Canada :slight_smile: Always open to doing personal swaps.


I’m going to try my hand at making some salves/balms for the swap! I just harvested some calendula and lavender flowers from the garden today. Currently dehydrating them. They will need to soak in carrier oils for a few weeks before I make them into their final products. So, keep your eyes out for that in my market later. :slight_smile: I’m making my list of other things I want to offer.


Oh wow! That sounds so cool!


That sounds great!


oooh @jillybeans that sounds awesome!!


Thanks for tagging me. I’ve been MIA for some time as my life has shifted in recent months but I’d love to participate again. I will poke around and see what I may have…


A little over 3 more weeks until the STS opens! Looking forward to seeing everyone’s shop! :blush:


ACK!!! I’m crafting but it seems like I have a REALLY long way to go.


Another newbie question:
Is there a way to be somehow setting up your shop behind the scenes, so you can just quickly open it when the time comes? Like maybe composing a message to yourself, and then just copying and pasting everything to actually open the shop?

I just tested it, and it works! Woohoo!


@endymion how did you do that? It sounds like a great idea!


Also, what is the rule of thumb when putting points on them?


It’s up to you on how you designate points. You can adjust them during the swap too. This is the first time with 5 points so I think everyone will be on a learning curve. I am going to price mine based on supplies, time, and how much it will cost to ship them.

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Click your avatar when it appears on the upper right. Click the little envelope to look at your mail. Then click it again to compose a message. In the place where you are choosing who to send it to, put your own username. Choose a title like “My Shop” or whatever you want.

Then, start creating your shop, and send the message to yourself! You can edit it to add things: go to your mail again, and choose to look at “Sent” messages. Open the “My shop” message, and click the pencil at the bottom to edit it.

When you are ready to open shop, go to your message and highlight the entire thing and copy it, then just paste it into the reply you are composing to open your shop!

Not sure all that makes sense; feel free to PM me if you have questions.


As @gozer said, its up to you to decide how to assign points for your items. I take time and supply cost into deciding my points. If I had a heavier item I would also take that into account when pricing due to the higher shipping fees. Don’t worry too much about it, just price as you think is fair to you and then you can always adjust points or run sales etc. :slight_smile: You can look at older rounds of the STS and see how things are priced in the earlier rounds. But those are based on a 3 point system so they won’t match to our new 5 point system, however you can get an idea of how other people priced their items.