The Diminutive Lepidopterist

I’m in awe. He is so cute. His little face just makes me want to pinch his cheeks. I love that you added so much of a story to him with the props and action. You’re a master at needle felting!


Books…and edibles…just sayin’ :grin:


Thank you! :slight_smile:

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They love their home anyway! :wink:

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Thank you very much!! :smiley:

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The shelves that are in the background are from the same kit of the library corner that was posted here in May, but I’ve altered the shelves and painted them.
I want to make some books from scratch, but haven’t had time to really think about that. All the paper craft books that came with the kit I handed off to a friend who is staying with us through the virus. Don’t know if any progress has been made on those.
It’s a work in progress and I have no idea when it will ever get completed. LOL! :wink:


This is totally adorable! You put so many tiny details into your work, and it looks perfect every time. Amazing!

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Thank you so much!! I do love all the little details!! :smiley:

He is as sweet as can be. So much detail.

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Thank you so much!!

he looks perfect with those library shelves. It will look ace once the books are added.

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Thanks!! :smiley:

I had expected the paper the books were printed on to be a bit thicker. I made one of them before passing them on to someone else who needs some crafts to work on. I think the one I made has been removed by the cats!!

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Absolutely adorable! The closeup of him in the grass is just so sweet. Your attention to detail is top notch, and I am very impressed with your latest creation!

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Thank you!! :smiley:
He was fun to make!
I had to add a dab of glue to the nose of the butterfly to get it to balance better!


Your art creates a unique story all its own! Big love!

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Thank you very much!! :smiley: :mouse:

Congrats! Your Diminutive Lepidoterist is one of this week’s featured projects. You are awesome!


Thanks!! Best news I’ve had in a month!! :smiley:

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Brilliant little chap. His face is absolutely spot on. Just the right look of wonder and delight at his latest catch. And his little hands are too delightful.

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Thank you!!
I still haven’t found the “perfect” way to make hands. Current method is pretty good, but I can have difficulty matching color exactly. Was experimenting yesterday with doing longer fingers for a specific purpose. :wink: