The most ridiculous mask ever

I was thinking it would be a sort of forrest nymph mask. A friend and I are going to do a mask swap. I did some stumpwork mushrooms/fungi that are removable via some strong magnets so you can wash it. I tacked a bunch of scrubby yarn onto it that I hope survives the wash and wear. I hope the eyes survive too. They’re plastic and glass and I drilled some holes in them so I could sew them onto it.

Here it is without the magnets:

I really hope she likes it. I asked if she would be okay with semi-realistic eyes and remivable 3D objects. Lmao. I didn’t tell her what the theme was though.

Thanks for looking!


Best. Mask. Ever.


Haha this is cool. I like the idea of masks being used more like a fashion accessory. Yours is quite! original. The stumpwork fungi are fantastic, and I’m always a fan of more eyes. Great!

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That’s fantastic!! I think it’s great that you are getting creative with masks.

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LOL! You sure delivered on the title! But it’s also amazing! So creative!!! A wearable work of art.

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That is amazing!

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This is awesome. Seriously rad.

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This is beyond incredible.

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Welp, I guess I’m done. You have won masks.


It’s great! I love how you asked your friend about random features, not telling her the theme!

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This is amazing!!

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This is great! :smile: I love all the personality and textures. If your friend doesn’t need to wear it every day then she shouldn’t have to actually wash it after each use, just hang it somewhere for a few days and it’ll be good to go again :slight_smile:

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SO AWESOME! this is really great!

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That is amazing! :green_heart:

That’s good to know! Thanks

Congrats! Your awesome face mask is one of this week’s featured projects. Way to go!

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This is why I love this community - so many funny, talented, coco-nutty peeps.
I love this for all the right reasons. I hope you giggled as you assembled!

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Amazingly awesome!

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Oh, this is amazing! I want a hoop in this concept so I can hang it near my work table and stare at it, er, watch it stare at me, every day. lol

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I love this. All the details are so good!

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