The quilt the universe demanded

You know when you have SO much to do and the universe drops a project into your head? And you absolutely must get it out into the world?

This one popped in almost fully formed. And I had to make the important paper pieced wiggle twice. Cause what I thought would work. Totally didn’t. (if you’ve been following the “snapshot” lounge thread you’ll know what I mean.)

So I finished it. And played quilt fairy. Dropped it off at the house of a very old dear friend I don’t see nearly often enough but he’s in my thoughts more than he’d know.

He responded with all the thanks and grace I’d expected from him and this.

I know it’s in the right home. :heart_eyes:


Kitty seal of approval! It is a smashing quilt, so vibrant but also calming. A magic quilt!


This is so amazing. Love the colors and textures and everything about it


I love this so much, I need to know your friend’s address so I can pop around and steal it. It is fabulous!!


If the sky was made of quilts, this would be a rainbow on a starry night! Magnificent!


I’m in awe of the quilty types here on LC, and this is breathtaking! It is 100% in its right home.


Kind of freaking amazing!

Bonus points for the kitty pic.

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Gorgeous! The rainbow ribbon thing looks so good. :green_heart:

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I genuinely LOVE this quilt. It is soooo pretty.

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Absolutely stunning!

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Beautiful, I love the subtle starts mixing in with the brighter stars. And the squiggle! Yummy!

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Geez Louise, that is paper peiced? You must love torture because that looks insane! LOL! Amazing quilt. Absolutely amazing.

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Four of the stars are paper pieced, four are traditional wonky stars , there are 2 pinwheel, all the wiggly ribbon is paper pieced, each section of wiggle has improv blocks supporting it. I guess I just missed applique. :rofl:


This is a spectacular quilt!

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In awe over here! That is gorgeous.

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So beautiful! And obviously loved.

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Absolutely beautiful!!!

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:herb: Oh my giggles! Your lovely craft is one of this week’s Featured Projects! Congratulations! :tulip:

This is a glorious piece of fabric love right here, yo.

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How absolutely gorgeous! The mixture of grey and tan and black and white and BRIGHT RAINBOW just wows me.

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