FIRST issue. I am not happy with the vertical “center line” that I chose when I laid it out. I should have had it halfway between the skulls.
THEN. The stinking collar. Despite measuring more than once, the finished size was not the same as the neckline. (I fudged a little at the center back to make it work but I’m not pleased.). Not to mention, that after I cut the collar, I realized that the rose on the one point was oh so glaringly bright compared to the print on the other collar point. Out came my trusty Sharpie (light gray) to tone it down a bit. This I am pleased with. You wouldn’t even know I fixed it, would you?
It turned out very nice, despite the difficulties. You did a great job with the point of the collar; I would never have known you altered it. Very cute!
@endymion I thought I was being so clever, balancing the rose and the star/black skull, but they did not, in fact balance at all! Time to make it disappear.
The kids liked it. Funny story. I wasn’t sure, after I put it on this morning, if the skulls were entirely okay for school. I had 4th and 5th grade today–the oldest ones that I teach. I asked the 5th graders, “Do you think this shirt is inappropriate for school, with the skulls?” They all said, oh, no, it’s not like it has BLOOD or GUNS. And then one girl asked, sympathetically, “Why? Did you get called in to have a chat with Mr. H- [head of school] about it?” ;).
@AIMR Fifth grade is such a sweetspot–they’ve developed emotional intelligence, but the hormones haven’t really kicked in yet. I love them best.
Imagine them imagining what happens when adults get in trouble. Getting sent to THE OFFICE ;).
(Linda -In the year 2025, I am happy to be alive! :us:)
I always thought that if I ever were to teach, that is the grade I would want! My fifth grade teacher was the best I ever had and I still remember her fondly!
That’s a great shirt with great fabric AND you have matching pants. It’s all a win.
I think everyone here knows the frustration. I managed to stop myself before making a glueing error yesterday only to find out I missed a whole step. “Flipping seriously??” Was shouted. Now I know how to frame it instead of “I should have…” turn into “Next time, I will remember to put the batting in then glue it.” Helps my brain, anyway.