Travel dreams

The April theme for the Stich Along is “Your Favorite Pastime”.

Since it specifically omits crafting, I went with travel.

The big trailer shows my favorite things to do in a new town; try local cuisine and check out the thrift store.

Its a combination of felt applique and embroidery. It was looking kind of bland, so I went back and outlined everything in black, giving it a fun, cartoony look.

The little trailer is all embroidery, and is a cherished memory of a special picnic in Ohio (that’s a tiny Ohio map dangling at the bottom). It doubles as my monthly state ornament, and will move to my tree at Christmas.

I even made the backs nice

There’s a hook on the back of the big trailer to hang the little one.

If you want to 3D print your own trailer frames, I put them up on Thingiverse:
little Trailer ornament frame by steiconi - Thingiverse


That is so danged cool.


I really love this and the 3D printed trailer is ah-may-zing!


This/these is/are delightful!


So adorable!!!

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I love the way you did the stores! And of course the hoops are so unique.

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This is so wonderful and creative!! You put so much thought and freshness into your creative projects, I always look forward to seeing what you’ll make next!

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Very fun project. I love the way you created the tree on the bottom one. It’s very pretty.

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Thanks for the kind words, everybody!

I puzzled over how to do the tree foliage, then someone posted some 3D flowers in the Stitchalong, and I looked up the technique. It’s two or three rows of blanket stitch worked on each other, and looks like crochet.

Hmm, probably could have crocheted the leafiness, I’ll have to keep that in mind!