I have been in self-quarantine because of being immunocompromised and living with 3 others who also are and/or are 60+. Today is a great day weather-wise, but I am in pain, so I am waiting for another good weather day. But my plans are to do modified adventures for the last stretch. So that will be things like an outdoor walking museum and such. I already collected the pamphlet that is the guide a long time ago, so even that won’t be an issue.
Hoping everyone is well and safe. I got in touch with CraftCrazy13 and they are safe from the tornado (Nashville).
Hello, everyone! I have a question…all the POs local to me are busy places and I don’t feel comfortable going there right now to mail anything.
Will there be any accomodations for those of us that can’t mail anything right now?
(In a world where you can be anything, be kind.)
First of all, your health comes first, so please don’t worry.
Secondly, does your PO offer the option to schedule a pickup from your home? I’m not sure if that is universal or not or even exactly how it works with weight of packages.
Would some extra time help? It seems like it’s just been one catastrophe after another this round. But I know a lot of people are busy trying to entertain kids stuck home from school, or caring for older relatives who can’t go out, etc. So I’m fine with pushing send out’s back a bit.
I guess I’ll go with whatever the census is about sendouts.
All of the POs around me are busy and my DH has some health issues which make him more vunerable to the virus. That’s why I’m concerned.
I for one, would like more time.
(In a world where you can be anything, be kind.)
I’ll also go with what the consensus is about send-outs. I have asthma, which makes me slightly more worried, but my post office is very rural where I hardly meet others, so that shouldn’t be an issue for me. Either way, SusieQ is safe with me, and if we extend, I can just keep on crafting for @LadybugsAndBees!
An idea to consider is that that since these new swaps that will be opening next week have send-outs in like 3-5 weeks, so if we held-off another month from our already extended send-out date, we’ll probably have a better idea how this social-distancing is helping curb the virus spread.
For me personally, an extension would be appreciated. Things are really strange right now. It is effecting everything and lots of us are finding our new norms even just mentally. I am in contact with CraftCrazy13 via email, so I will get their vote too.
Hi everyone! Ok, so send outs will now be April 30th. With so many people quarantined, entire counties locked down, etc it just seems like the best thing to do. I hope you all stay safe and healthy.
My mother is actually quarantined down in WA right now, awaiting test results.
Here in Alaska we are just keeping to ourselves as much as possible, lots of hiking and beachcombing. If things don’t pick up soon our entire years salary may be in jeopardy. This whole thing is crazy.
What is everyone else doing while the Coronavirus thing goes on?
(In a world where you can be anything, be kind.)
I’m grateful I’ve spent so much time subbing at school so that I have an idea on school for my kiddos while we wait for the minimal schoolwork they will be sending.
I signed the kids up for a free khanacademy.org acct and they do 1 hr a day and I have them doing writing assignments and playing their instruments. They also read. Right now they are doing a 5 paragraph essay on Abe Lincoln. I have been working on binding a quilt.
Since I work at a grocery store, I have job security. But we’re getting our butts kicked every morning with people rushing the doors for tp like it’s Black Friday (I watched it this morning). There are still people getting full carts of grocery and we have to watch them; I’m pretty sure people have walked off with stuff (even tried and succeeded to take store use hand sanitizers). People were decent last week, but now they’re getting frustrated and a little mean to us. We are all getting worn down by this and we got the ok from corporate to use how many hours to keep up.
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(In a world where you can be anything, be kind.)
Thank you for all you do in these trying times with scared and desperate people.
I got a big rush of motivation today and wrapped up and organized Lynx2Lancer’s swap package. I’m hoping that by the time this swap nears it’s end, things will get more back to normal and Mr. Sparkles’ and I can visit the last place I wanted to go.
Thanks for the extension. I have a couple of open air things I’d like to do.
Poirot’s trip to Myrtle Beach. It rained pretty much the whole time.
We went to the Greensboro Science Center. It was raining so we couldn’t go out to the zoo, I had hoped to go back for the zoo part, but it looks like that isn’t going to happen.
We had one final adventure, right before everything was shut down. It was the Always and Furever Golden Gala, we dressed up and they raised a lot of money for the shelter, which is good, because I think things are going to get tough for them for awhile.
Been mostly cleaning the last week, hopefully with the extension I can get my craft room tidied and Peanut and I can have done quality crafting time!
No idea what’s going to go on with the job, they had a person who visited test positive and the nonessential people have been home for the last week, Tuesday will mark 14 days post-exposure and were supposed to be back, we’ll see…
(In a world where you can be anything, be kind.)
I’m glad the Gala was able to go on and I hope you remain healthy and can go back to work soon.