Traveling Little Visitor Swap Round 30 - Gallery

I’ve yet to start on Vic’s album, and will see what souveniers I have for him to take home … didn’t get into the city on normal days, but we’re now on “social distancing” with school shut downs etc. :o

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UK schools shut down Friday end of play, leisure centres are closed as are pubs, clubs etc. I will order some photos for Vic’s album tomorrow and then work on the album. Have to check for souveniers to go home with him to Australia.

Thank you for the extension, Bonnie.

Right now we treat things like a normal weekend, but I need to get a proper daily schedule set up for the girls and myself, otherwise it will be just lounging, watching TV and be on tablets! And I have to make sure we follow the school packs/links the girls were provided with.

As I’m working at a High School I might have to go in for a bit as the council is looking into using the schools as hubs for kids of key workers etc.

NOBODY knows what is going to happen though…


I am waiting-have to wait-to do the album because I don’t have any photos. I have to wait till I can go somewhere to develop it.

I’ve done as much as I can till this is over.

No arboretum today :face_with_raised_eyebrow: but let’s see if I can get anywhere today that would be LV “worthy”. Maybe I’ll go to the arboretum myself this week.

So, we are all back home safe from the USA - not quite the holiday we had planned, and we were shattered after 4 parks and a renaissance fair in 4 days. Sadly we didn’t get everything in before the parks closed, but we did have some amazing days. Then Monday evening we had a notification that our plane home had been cancelled, so the Tuesday was spent trying to sort a flight home, which we finally arranged for Wednesday evening. Then Tuesday evening we had a further notification that we were to fly from Miami, not Orlando, so Wednesday saw us on a road trip to Miami. Somewhat mixed feelings - very pleased to be home safe and sound, especially when others are still stuck abroad, but a little sad to have had to cut the holiday short.

Our lovely hotel pool -

We had a lovely meal at Ford’s Garage, Tampa -

We stopped for lunch in the Leaky Cauldron -

We watched the Mardi Gras parade and Dani caught some beads -

(and she did actually catch the beads - she was riding in hubby’s pocket and when we turned to leave, the beads were hanging there! :D)

We had a drink in Oga’s Cantina, which was on the expensive side, but so, so amazing -

Quite happy with the extended send out date, we are being careful having travelled home and the fact that we live with my aunt, who is diabetic and asthmatic, so is high risk. Working from home for the foreseeable future and only going out for essentials. Can’t believe how many people are out and about though, ignoring the risks!!

Photo album is well underway and souvenirs ready to go :smiley:


I am loving all of the adventures during this craziness! Since I work for the school district so we have been out of school and at home. I am definitely an introvert but, let me tell you, I was not made for homeschooling.
I’ve spent the last week taking down netting for a fence and replacing it with actual deer fencing for the garden, put together three 5’x5’ planter boxes, got a ton of dirt and plants and started seeds. Amelia has been there through all of it!
I also got to crochet some stars for one of my coworkers in exchange for duck eggs :slight_smile:


So, understandably, in the circumstances, Dani and I are not getting out a lot, but we had to venture out today for some fresh food for us and some dog food, so we observed social distancing whilst queuing to get into the supermarket. They are only allowing a set number of people in the store and it is one out/one in and limiting purchases to no more than 3 of any one item. I managed to get most of what I needed, so it looks like the panic buying and hoarding is slowing down, here in the UK at least.

Stay well everyone and look after those who are dear to you xx


Like everyone else, there’s not a lot going on around here. Been playing Animal Crossing: New Horizons a lot the past week and Iki was keen on all the animal villagers. :smile:

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Do you go to a small grocery store? Ohio’s on a stay at home order, so we’ve slowed down a bit (I was beside myself since we were caught up on breaks for a Saturday today). Kroger has limited our hours to 7am-9pm (we use to be 5am-1am), put limits on things (we did lift it for bread, milk, and water), and allowed first responders to shop like 6:30-7am and elder 7-8am Monday-Thursday. We haven’t controlled the number of people in the store, but have to enforce social distancing. We are suppose to be getting plexiglass shields for our registers soon. There is a store in the Cincinnati area that has been turn into a pickup only location; no customers inside the store. We have until the 6th to find out if they’ll be doing that to our store (we’re the largest store in the area).

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This particular one is classed as a supermarket, but is actually quite a small store - they are only allowing just over 30 people in at any one time. Other stores have moved to purchase online and you go and collect from the car park. Some of the supermarkets have put up plexiglass shields, but this one hasn’t yet - really hope they do, so that the staff have some protection. I don’t know about other countries, but here in the UK we have had reports of people spitting and coughing in key workers faces - just disgusting behaviour :rage:

In other news, Dani and I are watching The World According to Jeff Goldblum on Disney+ and decorating a jigsaw puzzle.


My union just sent out we are going to get an extra $2/hr for the next 3 weeks that they are calling hero bonus. On top of that, we’re getting an appreciation bonus this week. We’ve nearly lifted the limits on what we had, toilet paper is lasting later in the day, and we should be getting our plexiglass shields for the registers soon.

Right now, I’m working on a blanket for my nieces and watching my bf play some ffxv (Chocobos!). Elias wanted to watched and tried his hoof at crocheting, but the hook is as long as he is, silly goat!


“Try his hoof at…” :rofl: :joy:

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Today was a perfect weather day. It’s been stupidly hot (seriously, it was 90f/32c two days ago) so today, it was 72f (22C), no humidity, nice breeze - and we’re all stuck indoors. :sob:

So I decided to at least get outside and get a little fresh air by walking around my apartment complex. I brought Iki with me since I’m sure she’s getting a little stir crazy too.

There’s a little man made pond in front of the complex so we walked over there. The sun was peeking through the branches of a live oak tree and it looked pretty.

It’s been super dry this year so far and the poor pond was really low level of water.

Next thing I know, here comes a duck making a beeline for us!

He actually followed me for awhile. It was hysterical. Sadly, I didn’t have anything for him.


Hello all! I apologise for not being around! I have been unwell (Not Covid, thankfully. I was tested for that) But problems heart wise have meant I have had to limit my physical activities. We have been in lockdown for a while now, but I have been working on Nessie’s album, and I did get to a couple of places before we had to shut down so that was good. Nessie is supervising the peace here. Being stuck inside can get rather stressful, even for the pets haha!

I hope you are all doing well! Stay safe!


Yesterday wasn’t bad at work, Thursday was horrible though with people yelling at me and the health department chewing our butts out because customers don’t care anymore (I blame it on people anticipating what gov. DeWine was going to say). So I decided to buy the island living expansion pack for sims 4 and watched Onward (I wasn’t as moved by it as I thought I would, but I also haven’t lost a parent). Elias liked it though.


My LV package is all packed up and SusieQ is socially distancing herself there, but there is room for me to add more as I make stuff!

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Got a few things done before SIP was ordered.

Stan Lee and Wonder Woman murals at RED Cinemas.


Gibsonville Caboose in downtown Gibsonville.
Poirot18 Poirot19 Poirot22

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So sorry for falling off this wagon in the transition over to teaching from home. :neutral_face:

Zoey helped me tidy up and finally hang some art that’s been sitting un-looked-at for a while.


I’ve been taking Mr. Sparkles with me everywhere I go on the weekends, but we haven’t done anything worth taking photos of.

No worries! I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for parents to now have to take over schooling on top of everything else going on in the world.

Oh and lovely collection of art!

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Are we still sticking to end of April for send out? I know we have to get the Little Visitors back to their home, I’m just not sure how our post office is open at the moment… (It’s a small one inside a corner shop).

I still have to do the album and see about souvenirs… Non-essential shops are closed…

@seeuudee - I might have to take something out of Foxy’s box and send it with Vic… Really sorry Foxy is still with us… :pleading_face: :scream: