Use it or lose it! A sharing and caring gift-along

I have a few Little Golden books, I’ll check to see if i have any of those.

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I’ll look when I get to school but I don’t think so.

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I’ll look but I don’t think so.

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THANK YOU! It’s a long shot, as I think Kidz Theez Daiz are more about Elmo than Grover. Sigh.

@photojenn YES! So much fun! Other than Rudolf, it’s the only one I remember from being little.


I’m pretty sure my friend has that at her school library for kids to check out still. I think I remember seeing it in circulation. Or else she purchased it last year and I processed it. The favorite character I heard my friends’ kid talk about was COOKIE MONSTER!!! That was exactly how they said it, in a deep voice with lots of volume.
I LOVED teeny little super guy! Stop-animation was/is magic.


This is completely adorable, I love it.


My husband loved The Tawny Scrawny Lion and There’s A Monster at the End of This Book as a kid. I never read those ones, but he talks about them. He was thrilled when his parents brought Ada a new copy of Tawny Scrawny a couple months ago. I should look for Monster at the End for him as a surprise.


@Smmarrt, If there are any non-Disney holiday ones, I would be interested.

@magpie, I was at a garage sale last weekend, and picked up a lovely copy of The Fuzzy Duckling. But when I got it home, I noticed it has an odor. I was going to donate it, because I didn’t want to deal with trying to get rid of the odor. If you want to try, I can send it to you.


Sure! I would love it, thank you. Or if you want to try this fix, seal it in an airtight container with either baking soda or unscented kitty litter, they absorb odours. Coffee works too but then it would smell like that, ha!


I’ll send it to you; sounds like you would be more motivated to make the book-rescue actually happen! Also, are you still looking for cat fabric? I sent you some that never arrived, but I could send some more if you are still collecting it.

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I am still collecting it. Got a lot of cat lovers in my life, lol. Thank you :slight_smile:


I remember seeing the monster at the end of this book at Kohl’s as part of their Kohl’s Cares program, but I can’t remember when that was, so I’m not sure if they still offer it. But, if you’re heading to Kohl’s anytime soon, I recommend taking a look.

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Not to promote amazon but they have it on sale for $2.98 so it looks like it’s still in print.


I see these at the op shop often… I’ll keep a look out for you :slight_smile:


Thank you so much!
I would happily adopt every copy of Tawny Scrawny out there if you find more than one. It’s such a cute baby gift.


I happened to be making a Target drive up order for some household essentials, and decided to check on a whim. They totally had it for $2.98! (Which also took me from $78, to just over $80, which fulfilled a Target Circle mission. Gotta love getting gift cards for stocking the pantry before family arrives. LOL)


:heart_eyes: I loved this book as well as “What would you do with a kangaroo?”

Because of this talk of old children’s books I went looking for “The kittens that hid from their mother”.
Unfortunately it isn’t available for $2.98 :wink:


Oh @irid3sc3nt , I didn’t realize that was the start of your list post! I’ve added your name & a link to the first post of this topic for easy finding.
You have ssssoooo many fabulous stickers, ack!


That’s probably 1/8 of my sticker stash. Or 1/16. I have two sticker subscriptions that I took up about a year ago after I was finished with my ArtSnacks subscription. Take some of my stickers! Or all of them, lol!