I would love to have any rick rack or tatting stuff thst you want to send my way! I adore rick rack and my mom is a prolific tatter.
Hello again guys I’m trying to go through my sticker collection and I have quite a few already in the “get rid of” pile. I can take individual pictures but it would be faster for me if I could just start sharing them
If you want stickers let me know what themes you like and I’ll send them your way! I have a Stickii subscription and I sometimes forget to skip the monthly themes I don’t want sooooooo… I have a lot to share
Some themes I have are: cats, cute animals, animals with food, plants, weird things, gory things, tea, drinks, food, Victorian/vintage, people… Some are slightly transparent, some are shimmery, some are average, etc
Let me know if you want stickers and your preferences!
I am messaging you right now!
I am going through the hundreds of knitting, sewing and crochet patterns I have, both printed and on my computer. Realistically, I don’t have time to repeat an afghan pattern.
I purchased many of these patterns from various places. Does anyone know if I can give them away since I never plan on using them again? I plan on purging them off my computer. Are they a one time use pattern? I don’t want to do anything to hurt the designer…if I have never used the pattern can I give those away? I have loads of those that I paid for but never used for one reason or another.
I have hats, scarves, gloves, etc. that I will be offering since I have no occasion to wear them where I live.
That’s an interesting question. Ethically, I’d think of it like buying a book, I can do whatever I want with my one physical copy but I can’t create more. So if you passed it on to someone else and ceased using it yourself, I think that’s “fair use”. I’m not sure if it stands up to the legal definition since I haven’t studied copyright law, but I personally would find fully passing it over to someone else defensible.
I just found out sharing a pattern, even though you have purchased, does breach copyright law technically. But it is gray when it comes to gifting a pattern that you purchased and did not use. I guess they assume some level of honesty here and it would be tough to prove and enforce.
I’ll take the high road and offer only the patterns I have never used after I purchased them. I even have the receipts so that should clear me of any “wrong doing”.
Well that is an interesting question.
What’s the difference between you making dozens of one pattern or never using it but giving it away to someone who might or might not use it themselves. Hmm…
What if you were selling the versions you made, rather than using them yourself or giving them away.
A lot of fine details to consider here and every seller would likely have their own opinions too.
Do what you think is best, I trust your judgment.
I don’t think the problem are individual users that make small quantities for themselves and others. Like recycling problems, it is the big manufacturing companies that steal designs and mass produce them to the detriment of the designer.
If I feel like I am not in anyway taking away from the ORIGINAL designer, then I can live with that. I paid a fee for the design and did not use it. I don’t know how it could hurt the designer in anyway to give it to someone who does…and like you said, the designer can’t specify how many times you use the pattern…once or 50… (ugh…which is why I am purging them…I won’t be making the same afghan over and over…).
I’m not a lawyer/copyright expert, but to me the effect of giving a person an unused pattern isn’t really that different than if you’d bought it for them as a gift in the first place.
I agree with Megwell on that.
I think if you were making and selling or something like that it would be different. I remember liking a fellow who I saw in an interview who was making something from someone else’s pattern. He included the price of the pattern in his product and he bought the pattern for each order. So if he sold 50 of whatever it was he bought the digital pattern 50 times from that designer. I thought that was an interesting way to do that.
Ooh! I might be interested in a few of those patterns
I’m hoping to do some more clothes sewing, I’d happily look over those patterns
@AIMR I’m also planning on doing some clothes sewing, so if you’ve and plus sizes I’d been interested x
Hey guys! A few of you have requested sticker so I’ll sort through them today and divide them between you I’ll post again if I have any leftover
Just 2 DAYS more for everyone to enter their own cool project into the Craft The Equinox Challenge!
It’s time to vote in the All Things Being Equal - A Craft The Equinox 2022 Challenge! The poll is live through Oct 27! Choose carefully, friends!
And here’s what I did with the hearts!
I made myself a temp grid with washi tape and yarn to get everything lined up.
Thanks again for sharing!!
The power of repetition! What a beautiful piece you made!
That looks awesome!
Wow, your idea was brilliant!