Use the good stuff craftalong

That is absolutely gorgeous!! It’s so fabulous when you’re in that zone where you’re immersed in the pleasure of making/creating/crafting - yay for using the good stuff :heart:


I love everything about this whole post.


Ok I am working my way up to using the good stuff!
This fabulous tapestry, embroidered material has been in my stash we will just say 10+ years! I recall every bit of the day I found it in the back of a large fabric house in Phillies garment district. All I saw was a sea of material and wayyy yin the back these kind of eyes peeking out and then I rescued it and it was love. However, very impractical for me at the time and very expensive. But alas these little owls came home with me and have sat on a shelf or in a bin ever since
Well they are going to be throw pillows now. I purchased some nice braided edging that pulls out some of the colors BUT now I just sit and look at it, kind of pet it, think about where I’ll cut it, haven’t pulled the trigger yet lol But I will!


oooh that is so pretty.

You have to use it, because all those little owls need to fulfil their destiny to get made into something gorgeous.


That fabric would be fun in a bolster pillow, too. Enjoy the Good Stuff Process!


I used ALL the blue beads, plus some other nice ones that went with the look, for a set of hanging strands: Beaded curtain/suncatcher/windchime in glorious blues


Ooohhh so pretty

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I have a shirt made from this awesome Liberty of London fabric that never really fit me and i want to do something with it but can’t decide what…


Could it be modified into a different shirt that fits better, with the addition of some complimentary fabric? Or is it a matter of not fitting your personality, rather than your physicality?

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Definitely a physicality issue. I bought it thrifted and it’s never buttoned so wore it without button and a tank underneath but my workouts have made the arms not fit any more too. Don’t think a refashion is going to work this time around.


I’m picturing an Incredible Hulk shirt-rip from expanding biceps and shoulders. :rofl: Not having seen it, my first thought is to line a small suitcase or nice wooden box with it.


Lolololol not quite

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But almost. :muscle:

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I’m about to cut into this precious fabric

sent to me by the wonderful @AIMR I’m making this DIY Crossbody Sling Bag | 메신저백 슬링백 | Messenger bag tutorial and sewing pattern [sewingtimes] - YouTube which I found because of the lovely purse that @Magpie sent me. This is for my upcoming trip to Rome. I’ll have both of you lovely ladies with me in this post xx


That’s going to be such a cute bag, can’t wait to see it!

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:tada::tada: Announcement :tada::tada:

There is a new sitewide craft challenge contest. If you have made something inspired by this(or any other) craftalong, then this challenge is for you.
Inspired-along 2022 lettuce craft challenge


Yay!! I love your Use the Good Stuff motto. It has inspired me to stop hoarding the treasures. I am using the good stuff for some TM patches now and can hardly wait to show you all!

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This bag for me just needs handles. I love that hand dyed fabric, I’ve been hoarding it for ages. I’m going to love seeing it every day, so happy I used the good stuff for myself!


I love, love, love the rainbow! Well done.

I love it, you’ve done a fabulous job

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