Use Those Fabric Scraps Craftalong --Long Live Scraps!

Yes, just PVA. Some folks add water but I just use it straight out of the bottle.


@AntBee and @Smmarrt --thank you for another clever and easy way to use up scraps! I am going to try this glue method to make some fast bowls!


It isn’t fast - lots of drying time. But they are easy. :grin:


I wonder if it would be worth it to try speeding up the dry time. Dehumidifier in a closet, low oven, dehydrator, or even a low heat gun or hair dryer…


I enjoy the slow process.

Find scraps, rip scraps, glue scraps…


Me too. Just thinking about a group activity and how people would take home a very wet, sticky bowl, lol. Could be fun!


You said the middle layer can be any lightweight fabric, what would the outcome be if you just used quilting weight? Would it just be thicker and more drying time?

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I don’t know, but if you want a thicker, sturdier bowl, use it. I’m thinking my bowls will hold crayons, pencils, or other art supplies so they just have to be sturdy enough for that.

I was also thinking I’d add one on my bedside table to put my eye glasses in when I’m sleeping.


I’ll try the upholstery fabrics this weekend and let you know how that works out.


Or Arizona. but not during monsoon.


Ha! :laughing:


I need to play around with this to see how feasible an activity it would be for my students. They would be so excited by the outcome.


I think it’s pretty accessible, as long as you feel they could handle papier-mâché they could handle this. And as long as you had space to let it all sit out to dry. Maybe if you did it on a Friday so it would dry over the weekend and not be in the way or something


It might also be worth trying covering cheap paper bowls if you need a little more structure to move them to drying racks or whatever.


The 3-year-old teachers - the teachers who teach in the 3yo room- did it with this group 2 ways. Yarn and fabric. The teacher soaked the yarn in the glue-water mix and the children applied the yarn to the inside of bowls (I think they used disposable plastic bowls.) And they did a second with just one piece of fabric. They weren’t exactly functional but it was a fun project for the group.

So yes, you can do this with children.

Also thinking you can use paper, paper towels and napkins. And for other artists who use baby wipes to clean their hands while crafting, you could use baby wipes that are dry but paint-y.


I have done the bowls - as well as “lamps” with grade 3+, I try to use a full day before a 3-4 day weekend - here’s my lesson plan for the day

8;30 Soft start/attendance/calendar/etc.
9:00 Read a stroy about colors/quilting/discuss color combinations
9:30 Students select fabrics
10:00 Recess/Snack/read aloud
10:30 Prep work area - cover desk with garbage bag, mix glue and water, select fabrics for inside of bowl.
11:00 Glue first layer good fabric facing inward
11:30 math games on the floor
12:00 Picnic style lunch on the floor
1:00 glue second layer down
1:30 take a break, let 2nd layer get tacky
2:00 glue third layer down
2:30 tidy up. put scraps away, leave bowl on desk to dry

This is the day you tell the custodian not to worry about your room, the kids will help when they get back.


That sounds like fun! I would have loved to have you as my teacher. Is it common to spend so much time on art projects? It’s been a while since I was in school but art was not taken seriously as a subject at all.


I’m lucky. My preschool is art based on the work of Rhoda Kellogg. She was the director of my preschool in the 1950’s thru the 1970’s. She observed that all children make the same basic 20 scribbles and that leads to drawing and writing. So we have a heavy emphasis on fine motor activities that includes hand sewing, ceramics, and woodworking, in addition to the traditional Lego, unit blocks, and drawing/writing tables.


That’s very interesting!! I think the arts are a very important in education.


Not sure how I feel about this:

$10! I’m sitting on a fortune, geez louise!