This little cutie is not new, he belonged 2 both of my kids over the years. Many lost teeth were exchanged for coins and he is well loved. It’s time for him to be passed on to a new kiddo to hold those precious little icons of babyhood. I’ll miss him, lotta adorable memories wrapped up in his fuzzy little self.
You know what? He is the smallest of a LOT of cousins.
When my kids were little and the youngest started kindergarten, I found myself with multiple blessed hours in a row without demanding little people and suddenly I was free to sew AllTheThings for the first time in years. It was AMAZING! I had a lot of stash materials built up by that point, of course, because my collecting volume never wavered, lol. One thing I had massive amounts of were fulled wool sweaters from the thrift shop, all the beautiful fiber but ugly garments, I could never resist “rescuing” each one of them. I made a mountain of monsters, I must have sewed every day for a month.
I posted a brief tutorial on how to make them as part of Monster Jam 2020, check it out!
I really liked those orange peepers but no way they’d have shown up on that background. Had to find a way to make them stand out!
@endymion we expect zero grandbabies, our kids are all so furiously unimpressed with the state of the planet. I support this choice completely. They’ll make lovely aunt & uncles for their friend’s babies. I’ll make gifts for all!
What a sweet little tooth transfer manager! I hope you can tell them that I can relate a little to their history of transporting teeth in his butt pocket as I am in the process of passing a kidney stone.