What's cookin', good lookin'?

I definitely need to go back to experimenting with other foods again. The creamy gnocchi/noodles is nooot a good thing on my stomach…Tongue, on the other hand, loves the stuff. :no_mouth:

And neither is this…Just need to use less of it, is all.

i cut the sugar down to only 1/4 cup, and the water to 1 cup. So the two or three tablespoons I used on my last pancake should have only contained about 1/2 to 1/3 teaspoon of sugar.

Hmm? Let’s do the math. It made about 1 c. and 3 tablespoons of sauce. That’s roughly 19 tablespoons of sauce. 4/19 x 3 ~= 0.63 tablespoons…Ok! Roughly 1+1/2 teaspoons of sugar. Hmm! That’s still a lot. O_o, but I don’t think I can get a good caramel flavor from any less sugar. :thinking:.

1/4 c. Sugar caramelized with
2+1/2 Tbls. Water

Whisked with
1 c. Water
1 Tbls. Corn starch
pinch of salt
1 tsp. Vanilla

Brought to a boil, then remove from heat and blend in
2 tsp. Ground unsalted sunflower seeds.
1 tsp. Ground black walnuts.


Next day, the caramel flavor has gotten stronger. The hint of sunflower seeds and black walnuts is really good.

I don’t think I can dilute the sweetness any more. I’m fairly certain this is the weakest it can be. However, it doesn’t make me overly nauseous like a fully sugary one does.

The only downside, is it is way too runny. I’ll need to rethink how to thicken it up. So, some more work will need to be done before I call it good.

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