What's cookin', good lookin'?

Apple crisp today with my helpers:


We are eating red cabbage tonight and I’m already looking forward to it! This is such a classic that reminds everyone of their grandma. At least if your grandma was Dutch or German. I’m not sure how popular this food is elsewhere, but it’s delicious, healthy and cheap. My organic red cabbage weighs about a kilo and cost €2. So that’s one cabbage that will serve a whole family - we’ll just heat it up tomorrow.

Recipe for red cabbage with apple

  • Slice the cabbage (this is easy and only takes a few minutes, not more difficult than slicing lettuce)
  • Put in a large pot, bring to the boil, add a few bay leaves, a few cloves, a teaspoon of ground cinnamon, a splash of apple cider vinegar. A little bit of brown sugar is optional.
  • Let this stew for about an hour, stir occasionally.
  • Dice a few apples (2 or 3) stir the apple into the cabbage.
  • Serve when the apple is warm and soft (maybe 5 minutes).

It’s freezes and reheats well, and while it has to stew for a while, it only needs to be stirred every now and then so you can just let it stew while doing other things (my favourite type of cooking).

Traditionally, this would be served with mashed potatoes, a meat stew, meatballs in gravy or game. Which would typically be rabbit, hare or wild boar here.


Homemade lasagna fresh out of the oven


Scraps for 35 mins in the pressure cooker = amazing broth.

Cut off ends of celery, carrot, onion, kale & green herb stems, bones - deliciousness!


Lemon & Herb Chicken Casserole with penne and kale.

Edited to add recipe link:


Cleaning out the pantry breakfast:

(cooked a can of spam with 2 cans of diced potatoes, added eggs with pepper)


Just a little reminder as we head into the holidays: please don’t forget LC this year! We enjoy this place for all the fun swaps, inspirational craftalongs, and incredible inspirations. We have formed some lasting and amazing friendships. And we have done it cost-free. Please think about giving to show your support and love for this great community! Let’s keep this Craftalong going for years to come!

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Grown up lunches for us two & a pot of beet goulash for the biggest kid to take to work.

Next is a chili using delicious turkey stock I made the other day. Just waiting for the pressure cooker to decompress, all the legumes I could find went in there for 25 mins. It’ll clearly be heavy on the veg.


Oh, this soup is good!


Looks Nommy!

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Chili (recipe) with cornbread muffins (Jiffy mix) and cinnamon rolls (from a tube - I haven’t been brave enough to bake with yeast yet):

Does anyone else eat cinnamon rolls with chili? My dad always says that was the best school lunch, so I had to try it. :grin:


We had macaroni with mushroom sauce and it was so good! Serves 4. Doesn’t require exact measurements

  • Prepare 400 gr. macaroni according to the package
  • Cut up 600 gr. mushrooms. I used 400 gr chestnut mushrooms and a 200 gr pack of mixed mushrooms with Italian herbs, that included portobello mushrooms and nemoko. I used the herbs that came with the mushrooms, which was rosemary and sage. Otherwise you can use whatever you happen to have.
  • Fry them for 4 minutes in oil
  • Stir in 40 grams of capers and 2 teaspoons of paprika powder. Fry for another minute, then stir in 200 grams of cream fraiche and 100 gr of cream, turn the heat down and leave to stew for 4 more minutes
  • Stir in the macaroni, a little splash of the liquid the capers came in, heat for another minute.
    Done! Serve with salt & pepper & parmesan.

My favourite Skeppshult cast iron skillet cracked while I was making an omelette yesterday :anguished: not a little crack but a huge crack across the bottom. It was my favourite :cry: I didn’t do anything wrong, cared for it properly, didn’t overheat it, I don’t know what went wrong. But the good thing is Skeppshult apparantly has a 25-year warranty, so I e-mailed the store to find out how that works. Mine is 6 years old, it cost around €50 back then, but the same one costs more than €100 now. So it’s worth a try. I’m so tired of stuff breaking all the time, apparantly even quality products.


harrumph! this punk’n is fairly gritty. tastes good, though.

I’ll need to use my malt blender to thin it up a lot.


I accidentally made bread yesterday… It was a test to see if the baking machine is broken (it is) and I didn’t want the ingredients for the dough to go to waste. It’s tiny since I added ingredients for the smaller size loaf.


the first part of Thanksgiving cookie-ing has commenced.


I finally retired these spice jars I’ve had for longer than my partner, ha! They barely fit in the space we have for them, gotta be jammed in & yanked out hard. It’s a pain.

The dollar store had sets of 4 mini mason jars for a couple bucks (same product at the hardware store cost $12!). Got some self-laminating stickers (cool!) & hit the bulk barn for allll the spices. Much better fit and they actually hold more!

The house smells a bit chaotic right now but I’ve been meaning to do this for ages. Oh, the tasty meals we’ll make, YAY!


I love this!! Super cool upgrade.

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Oof! shaking because I’m in so much pain, and with that should not have tried to make a couple batches of aloo paratha…I think I got more potatos on the counter than in the parathas. :roll_eyes:

PPPPPPpppppppp! I knew I didn’t feel up to doing it, but my tongue gets what my tongue wants…:rofl:


Nice browning on those parathas, they look very tasty.

We did a costco run after work & even though that’s exhausting all the food stuffs get me wanting to cook. A big pot of pasta sauce & another of bean, beet, beef soup later, I’m ready to collapse into bed :sleeping:

I got smart & started freezing cilantro sauce so there’s always some on hand. I need delicious lunches for work or I will eat garbage take out :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: