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Tonight I made these: Chili Lime Chicken Tacos (+ Pineapple Salsa) - Carlsbad Cravings

I didn’t do the pineapple salsa or avo crema but it was delicious none the less


Pineapple salsa sounds amazing!

Here’s the chili, nom.


Everything tastes better when you’re camping.


I forgot to get a picture on Friday night when I made it, but this was AWESOME! I used the white beans I had made from scratch and froze. They were truly velvety. Since the ‘stew’ sounded a little thin on it’s own (broth, beans, shrimp, leeks), I added about half a box of baby spinach I wanted to use up, and since I have a toddler, some Halloween shaped pasta (purple and orange pumpkins, bats, etc). Also, I had onions on hand, so I used those instead of the leeks. Jim liked it, I loved it, and Ada ate some of all the components, just disassembled on her little plate. She was a big fan of the pasta shapes, but also ate all her beans. It was great that night, but even better the next day. Next time I make it, I’m doubling the recipe, so I can have more leftovers for lunch for the week.

And in case the NY Times recipe won’t let you read it behind a firewall, here’s another exact copy.


That looks great! Rob’s not a shrimp fan but they’re actually on the recommended foods list for diabetes prevention/reversal. I’d eat that!

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Guess what I am making for dinner tonight!! Fresh shrimp was $10.95/lb today! I got 2 lbs but will freeze some for later use. I also got scallops and crabcakes for later meals. Wednesday are the best days for me at the fish market because the new catches come in on Thursday.


Dinner is served…easy, quick and yummy! Thanks, @MistressJennie ! Jim says this can go into our regular rotation! The only thing I did differently was add a couple spoons of instant mashed potatoes to thicken it up a bit. I also think this would be delicious over grit cakes and served with collards!


I made this last night with leftovers tonight (with some necessary substitutions based on what was in the house) and I definitely recommend it.


Ooo! I’ll definitely give this a try!

I did a black bean and sweet potato version one time but it was just ok. I bet this is better!


That looks really good, I sent the link to Rob. I am avoiding starchy carbs so cauliflower crust would be a great alternative. I would still mix a little ground meat in with the lentils though, we are a family of chronic low iron over here.


I read somewhere that lentils actually have more iron than beef- might be worth checking into that in case you’re about to short change yourself.

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That’s true, but the heme iron in beef is more readily absorbed (15-35%) and used by the body than the non-heme iron in plants. And the polyphenols and phytic acid in lentils reduces the iron absorption even more (less than 5%).


Mmhmm, that ^
Absorption is an issue for me, heme is the stuff I needs.


Makes sense. Beef it up, gal!

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I am not normally the cook in the family, but, the recipes I find here have been yummy and successful for me…I tend to get overwhelmed when I search for recipes on my own, so I appreciate the link! We always have lentils on hand. Looks so yummy!


Autumn is starting to kick in here - weather wise, so I made a lamb tagine


It’s delicious! I added spinach for greens (missed out the apricots because I didn’t have any.)


That sounds so good…

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I mostly followed the recipe, (kinda unheard of for me). It’s a really fragrant dish with a small hotness, could easily be modified to suit tastes. Not just heat, but fragrance as well, I intended to add more ginger, but forgot.

Autumn / Winter months ginger is one of my go-to’s in food and garlic - but garlic in everything!!


A bit of a cleaning out the fridge meal today. I had half a quart of Lunchbox peppers from my CSA box from last week, and got another quart yesterday. On Saturday I picked up a large package of chicken breasts that were on Manager’s Special. I didn’t have a plan for them, but thought I’d cook them in the slow cooker, then shred and freeze them in smaller portions for later. And on Sunday I made steak tacos with homemade pico de gallo. So I mixed up a portion of the shredded chicken, the pico, some leftover mild salsa that Jim’s dad bought, spices, and the last of a bag of shredded cheddar cheese. There’s a big tray for tonight in the fridge, and a smaller pan to freeze for another night.


Man, looking at all that food, I want to bend my stomach over my knee and give him a beating, :rofl:. I miss eating whatever I wanted, :cry: :rofl:

Anyhoo, saw someone had made pumpkin shaped gnocchi, so I’m going to do so, :grin:

Unfortunately this pumpkin was a little bit stringy. So I use my hand mixer beater thing to whip it as smooth as possible. It came out perfect yay.

Now the only thing I need to figure out is what to use for the stems. The person who made the pumpkin gnocchi he had used parsley stems but this is going to go for some really young kids and the parsley stems don’t really get soft when cooking so I need to find something else. I’m thinking if I can find small enough stems of broccoli I could use those for the gnocchi punk’n stems.

:thinking: :thinking: :thinking: