What's cookin', good lookin'?

Omg. :star_struck:

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The kids & Rob cooked all this from scratch!


Amazing. Looks like the real stuff!

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I have no idea what I’m going to do…I’m roasting a chicken breast, and making beans to go with it. cheesy southwestern-ish beans and chicken? BBQ chicken and beans? ? ? And that’s all I got…:thinking:

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There we go. Chicken ohili. I don’t think I’ve ever eaten that before ( Never thought it would be good , :no_mouth:)

I know I won’t be able to eat a lot of this, Because of my stomach, but might be ok in small quantities ( As long as I don’t put in a lot of spices). :crossed_fingers:t5:


That was a pleasent surprise. Turned my Garlic Roll bread recipe into some really thin flat breads to eat with the chicken chili. I only have one critique, should have upped the salt and cut out the sugar. But meh, it’s pretty darn tasty.

I rolled them fairly thin and fried them in a large skillet with a little butter rubbed around the pan for each one (to give them a little buttery taste).


Uh oh! I found something that makes something healthy not so healthy. :no_mouth:, but oh so tasty, :grin: (at least while the little bit was warm).

Also, I learned store bought oatmilk doesn’t thicken when heated til chocolate melts…Which makes me a little leary wondering why, :eyes:


You combined chocolate covered cherries with oatmilk???


oh yeah! and I’m paying for it, heh (tummy no likey all the sugar I ate the past hour). But it’s good. real good…which, I’m rather surprised how well it works. I bet it would be better if I had a blender to pulverize the cherries, too.


My latest flours.

I’m trying to think of what to do with the millet. Something that won’t overpower it and that will give me a good idea of what it tastes like. (not felt good today, so fingers crossed I do soon, :grimacing: ).

The peanut flour…is a lot like the powdered peanut butter, but without the excessive salt. So I should be able to find something to do with that.

As for the millet, I wonder if that’s the snack I used to love eating over fourty years ago. There used to be these small packets of roasted seeds that were sold alongside roasted corn nuts. They were small, and always reminded me of milo. If that’s the same thing, I bet I’d love them still, :grin:, and as a flour? :crossed_fingers:t5:

Also, I’ve got plans on trying to make sweet potato yeast doughnuts, and modify them for ground black walnuts…The more I think about it, the more I want them, heh.


Well, that didn’t go as I hoped, but I don’t think I’d like buckwheat donuts anyway. (at least with the peanut butter frosting). Try them with other things later.


I forgot black beans at the store but had lentils on hand so I adapted my go-to recipe to make lentil sliders. Worked fine and they were pretty tasty!


I’m showing off my nephew’s chili. I only helped him with the ingredients one time before this, so this time, it’s all him, :grinning: . And it’s right at my level of flavor and taste. WOOT!



Texture? perfect. light and fluffy.
Flavor? Noooot so great, :grimacing:
feel for making a snack…thing…:thinking:

1/2 c. millet flour
1/4 c. peanut flour
1/4 c. flour
2 Tbls. Rye flour
1 tsp. Baking powder
2 pinches ginger
2 pinches nutmeg
1 tsp. Cinnamon
2 Tbls. Sugar
Enough coconut milk to make a smooth dough.
Spoon dropped onto a cookie sheet, and baked at 350 for 11 minutes.


Ginger and/or Nutmeg was a bit too much. They have that strong tanginess to them.

They are quite bland, too. Maybe an egg and vanilla (ran out of eggs, and completely spaced off adding salt, too), as well as some oat flour might help.

Also, perhaps changing the sugar for molasses or honey would help, too.

Well, they do work nicely for a treat, but definitely need a change…Oooh! I bet some dates would go in this, too.

OH MY WORD! My browser and keypad often messes up on my phone, and it just deleted a whole bunch of stuff…:no_mouth:…Well, it’s not that good right now, so nothing lost, :rofl:…Fixed what I can remember about 30 minutes later…:no_mouth:. Forgot I may want to remember as much as possible so if I remember to attempt this later, I may want to know what didn’t work, heh.

Also, this doesn’t seem to do well for my GERD…I may need to cut out the spices…:thinking:

Ooh! this is bad. it’s extremely rare that something will cause both difficulty breathing and the taste of bile. It’d be one or the other, but not both…Great! I don’t think I can eat these. O_o, but what is causing it? I should be able to eat this…No fats, milk, etc…I wonder if it’s the peanut flour…Man, I hope not, but early on peanut butter had changed and causes the latter effect if I eat a whole sandwich worth of peanut butter. o_O.


Doesn’t sound like a winner but I admire your adventurousness!

Next attempt, a lot better.

1/2 c. Millet flour
2 Tbls. Rye
2 Tbls. Buckwheat
1/4 c. Flour
1 tsp. Baking powder
2 Tbls. Sugar
2 Tbls. Shredded unsweatened coconut
1/4 tsp. Salt
1/2 tsp. Vanilla
1 egg
1/4 or 1/3 cup coconut milk (someday I’ll remember to measure this, :rofl:)

So far they taste a lot better than the last variant, heh. Need to wait for them to cool (ferment?) to know for certain.


two hours later, and they are quite nice. Not too sweet, still a tad bland, but they remind me a lot of the plum butter shortbread cookies I made before. I do believe I have a good base for a different kind of snack. WOOOT! :smiley:


maybe you could sandwich two of them together with some jam or something between, so they will be less bland?

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mmm I love jam cookies!

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That’s an idea.

Today’s variant…Actually quite flavorful.

1/2 c. coconut flour
1/4 c. millet flour
1/4 c. flour
1/4 c. buckwheat flour
I went a little overboard on the flours, heh.

1+1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. salt
5 dates finely chopped

1+1/2 or 3/4 c. coconut milk.
1 egg

I probably should have soaked or boiled the dates in the coconut milk to infuse the milk, but meh, they’re actually not that bad. can’t wait to see how they’d taste once cooled and set overnight.

Update: chilled in the fridge overnight.

Texture is gritty, and pudding like. Which kind of freaks me out, but there is no way they aren’t fully cooked (14 minutes bake time).

Flavor: fairly strong coconut, The dates are great (when I can find one). There is a very faint acid like feeling/flavor that shows up for a couple minutes after swallowing.

All in all, I think this is a good one…just need a better way to blend the dates into it, heh.