What's cookin', good lookin'?

Now I am very confused about what you’ve been making… aioli is mayo. How do you make that without eggs?

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Mayo is made with eggs…aioli, at least the way I do it, is made with smashed garlic and olive oil…no eggs…I think in the USA, most people use eggs in “aioli”, which I thought would explain the yellow color, but now I think it might be a form of mold so his probably has gone bad if it has no eggs in it…yuck…Mediterannean Garlic Aioli


Chocolate pudding from scratch :slight_smile: We do have the ”whisk powder into cold milk” kind in the cupboard too, but it’s not as satisfying to make.

Sugar, maize starch, cocoa powder, salt, milk, cream, butter, and I also had some baking chocolate I stired in to melt at the end. The trickiest part is to stir and watch it the entire time because it will thicken up and risk burning the second you look away :sweat_smile:


I’ve never made it like that, looks tasty! When I was a kid we used to eat the powdered variety on Sundays. The one that needs to be whisked into warm milk, then poured in a mold and left to cool.

I still make puddings every now and then (mainly rice or semolina puddings) but Mr. Imma is not a fan.


That looks so good. My grandma used to make her own chocolate pudding. Then she would put a bunch of Nilla Wafers in a casserole dish, pour in the chocolate pudding, make a meringue, put it on top and bake until the meringue was lightly browned on top. so good!


I am finally getting around to trying a veg broth in the pressure cooker with frozen scraps…

We’ll see how it turns out. :crossed_fingers:


I made Thai curry today, but in a new to me way. I’ve always made it in the slow cooker, and been disappointed that the coconut milk gets lost.

So this time, I sauteed the Mae Ploy curry paste in coconut oil, then added the veggies (carrots, celery, cabbage, water chestnuts, zucchini) and some broth, cooked that until the veggies were tender, added coconut milk and cooked chicken (leftover rotisserie breasts–we like dark meat, so the breasts accumulate in the freezer). And just heated it to 160°

Result was rich and creamy!

served with home made naan bread.


My subconscious: “You should let the bread cool before cutting into it” [muffled sounds as bread is shoved into his mouth].


You did the right thing!!!


That bread looks soo good @CatwithSevenToes.

We had tortilla soup tonight with veg broth and black beans made in the pressure cooker (I think my life is changed forever, lol):


Ooh, I made a chili soup earlier today to eat with arepas…Not much in spices…a can of green chilis, fresh oregano, and ground cumin…very basic.

Wife wanted french toast for supper, so some of my bread cut thick and egged and fried, :grin:



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Looks delicious!!

We had chili soup earlier in the week, I made a big batch last weekend. It has some beef in it, but also black and kidney beans and lentils. I think I’ve posted the recipe somewhere. It’s a great recipe, you can eat it soupy or leave it a little longer.

Yesterday we ate broccoli mash - equal amounts of potato and broccoli, mashed together with a little bit of cream cheese that I still had in the fridge. It was an experiment but it was really nice. In my country we eat a lot of vegetable + potato mashes in winter, but broccoli feels a bit more “springy” than, say, mashed kale or carrot. We had some smoked salmon in the fridge that I served with it. Not a typical combination but actually quite nice.


I tried making BBQ Chicken Stromboli yesterday! It wasn’t very pretty and I forgot the seasoning and cheese on top, but it still tasted good!

(recipe here)


Yum! Mr. Road makes stromboli…this is giving me filling request ideas.


Harrumph! Oat milk isn’t the best for a berry smoothy. Meh, will make a nice snack for my stupid stomach.

This is the second attempt, and one that I’m trying to use less fruit…A big no-no, though, don’t try to use the hand mixer with dates & frozen fruit…it chills the dates and makes it impossible to chop them up. Oof! Mental note to self: don’t forget the mess on the counter…for the love of Pete, DON’T FORGET, :rofl: :no_mouth:.

Also, been putting in about a tablespoon each of ground flax and pecans. Since the coconut milk worked well, I did add some coconut flour to this batch…again, oat milk does not pair well with these flavors…:thinking:…i know chocolate and peanut butter work…Hmm! Bananas and maple syrup? Maybe. Will have to try that tomorrow.


Not the most visually appealing but I’m making some New England “Glam” Chowder. It’s got lots of mushrooms and a cashew cream sauce.


Actual clam chowder is not a thing I’m interested in eating, seafood & dairy :nauseated_face:
However, mushrooms & cashews sounds tasty, are you making it up or using a recipe?

I’m a New England girl, and I do miss ordering clam chowder in restaurants. Growing up, my mom always kept a few cans in the back of the pantry, for an easy meal for dad or I. Because of that, I even miss the ability to eat the canned stuff. When I was still living in TN, Kroger carried a brand of non-dairy clam chowder in a jar that was pretty good, but I can’t find it anywhere here.

I can of course make chowder from scratch with coconut milk, but it’s not the same as the nostalgic memory. Like occasionally having Kraft Mac & Cheese, even when you’re a grown up who can make the good stuff.


My husband and his family always had homemade clam chowder on Christmas eve. Jim took over after his parents died. Our nephews always look forward to it. I have no idea how that got started because they are all from PA. I imagine that sometimes in her life, his Mom visited New England and fell in love with the food!

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