What's cookin', good lookin'?

I’m going to google this because I’ve never heard of it and it sounds interesting!

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Mental note to self: Remember this.

“remember what”?

“I don’t know”

Seriously, though, I completely spaced out carrots, but they could be used in pancakes, crepes, and so many other things. Both savory and sweat…mashed, grated, or even finely grated (basically “zest of carrot”). I am really going to have to do that…:thinking:


One of my favorite foods is carrots and onion tempura. The batter is pretty simple: flour, water and egg. I don’t even get out the fryer…I use a large frying pan and cook them like a pancake. Delicious with some soy sauce or that wooster sauce.


Don’t have a picture, and trust me, you don’t want one, :rofl:, but in an attempt to make a filling for the crepe batter I have in the fridge, the flavor struck me that it would be better in a pasta salad. O_o. It really wasn’t too bad at all. :thinking: I’ll have to tinker around with it and see what I can do with it.

Since I’m toothless, I cooked shredded carrot, cubed celery, and a small amount of ground sunflower seeds until softene, (mixing in a small amount of water to keep them from getting crisp). Then added in small tomatoes, spinach, parsley, a small amount of dijon mustard, fresh oregano, and garlic powder. Cooked until the spinach wilted. Let it chill, then
I mixed in a little ricotta, balsamic vinigar, dill weed, and salt and pepper.

Then I blended it in some cooked yellow pea penne pasta after chilling it.

The one thing I can definitely tell works, the balsamic and dijon mustard. Even the sunflower seeds seemed to have worked in it.

Only having a small amount of sunflower oil and ricotta, it should be fairly healthy, too. :thinking:.

Yeah, I definitely have to play around with this.


Had some wilted celery…perfect for raising a loin of lamb.

And with a blueberry sauce. Oooh! Chuckie likes it. :grinning:

No recipe as I changed things during the making of the sauce. Sorry, heh.

balsamic, dijon mustard, blueberries, honey, a shallot, and red wine.


Sweet & sour tofu success tonight!


Getting ready to do some meat shopping, and I’m trying to figure out what to get. I probably should eat more fish/shellfish, as it doesn’t look like they cause as many problems, but they’re not cheap.

A $6.00 package of two lobster tails, could make four bowls of food. That’s $1.50 per bowl.

$6.00 for shrimp, and I think I can get 8 bowls out of that. About $0.75 per bowl.

$20.00 for two pounds of crab meat. I don’t know how much that would be, but I’m guessing between $2.00 to $4.00 per bowl. However, I could make a lot of broth to use…:thinking:

Anyway, those would be good cooked with coconut milk. The rest, would most likely need to be butter based sauce for my tastes.

1 medium clam would do for two or three bowls.
1 six inch fish fillet, two to four bowls.
1 can of snails, two bowls.

Hmm! Never tried canned oysters before, but I would have to make a Milk based sauce, :thinking:.

1 pkg. Of seafood medle, (squid, mussels, shrimp)…might be ok with a sunflower seed oil based sauce. That could make 8 or more bowls (quite possibly more, now I think about it).

Final figures:

Shrimp, clams, and the medley…24-30 bowls…Seven to nine days.

Guess our store doesn’t sell clams any more. Ok! What I’ll try to do, read the ingredients in a can of clams, snails, and oysters. If it’s not too questionable, I’ll grab some of those, and a bag of shrimp. Else, I’ll start with the medley and shrimp.

I feel good today, so let’s do this and get the kitchen as cleaned as possble, and get to preparing for the week. :crossed_fingers:t3:


My favorite thing to make with canned oysters is oyster stuffing…no milk needed!

Southern Oyster stuffing

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Oh man, I keep forgetting I’ve been wanting to try that for about two years since I learned of it. oysters are one of many on the top of my list of favorite foods. :drooling_face:

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Mine, too! I have another recipe but it takes saltines and milk. Fried oyster and shrimp po’boys are also a favorite. I mostly like them raw with lemon and tabasco, though!


My prep work for today.

Two batches of flat bread (moved because I forgot I needed the bowl it was in…:roll_eyes:. Hence why it’s not smooth). And several batches of noodles, 1/4 c. Qinoa flour, 1/2 c. Chickpea flour, and almost three cups flour, and eggs…lots and lots of eggs.

will divide the flat bread into six batches, and freeze the dough. And I’ll just bag up the noodles into as few bags as possible.

and talking about oysters is making me bloody hungry, heh.

penne noodles.

Taking a little break before my back takes a break, :rofl:


So far so good. I have been only making a small amount at a time, just to stave off my hunger pains, and using coconut oil or sunflower oil doesn’t seem to make my stomach too bad. I only need to use three to four shrimp, and a small amount of the noodles I made. Plus, I’ve finally cut down on the number of dishes I use. I still want to cut back some more, such as the knife and cutting board just for the garlic.

Aaah! I think I have an idea for that. Crush a bunch of garlic, and cover with sunflower oil with a little salt, and store in the fridge (sunflower oil seems to pair with the coconut milk pretty well). That should be fine for up to a week. Plus, I wouldn’t waste the last little bit as I don’t use a whole clove for a small amount. Mental note to self: Remem…Wait, write down a postit note, yeesh!

once I get that dealt with, I will cut the dishes from 10 down to a measely five dishes. :thinking: Tomorrow try to fry the shrimp from frozen. That will cut down one more dish if it doesnt stick to the steel pan too much.

Oh duh! Make an aioli out of the sunflower oil, salt, and garlic. That will work.


:confused: Ya gotta love a dinner table experience where the kid is sobbing, “But I don’t liiiiiiike rice and lentils and ve-e-e-e-eggggg!”

Especially, when mere hours before, said child saw me eating rice and veg and wanted some.

Being the mom-cook is trying.


The actual real sobbing tears over my cooking was a severely demoralizing experience, ain’t gonna lie.


It is not a great moment in my mom history. If I could let you eat “apple sauce”* for every meal I would kid, I would. But you need more than purees at 5.

*(Apple Sauce is actually fruit and veggie purees with all kinds of stuff in them from Avacado and Kale to pears and sweet potatoes. But still. Dude, you need to eat whole foods, too. le sigh)


@Magpie - Yep. The gagging, too. :weary:

@AntBee - I’ve had all out battles at the dinner table. I wish I had a solution…but I can only offer commiseration.


Thanks, friends.
I know she was just over done from a long, busy day and just beyond her capacities. She’s still getting her feet in this whole “being a human” thing.

Today is a new day. :plate_with_cutlery:


Made another batch of sunflower seed oil aioli…Hoo boy! It does not last long in the fridge. Four days, at most. Unless the yellowing doesn’t mean it’s spoiled, heh, but that’s not right, :no_mouth:.

if I can feel good enough to get to the store, I’ll get some tiny containers and see if it’ll freeze solid with the oil and salt I put in it. If it does, then I’ll freeze it in a thin sheet that I can break pieces off. If not, then I’ll just stick it in the freezer to store it. Meh, will see what happens…


Is it yellow because of the eggs? I make aioli and it lasts for about a week in the fridge. It’s always yellow.

Huh! didn’t know of an egg recipe for it. I’ll have to search that up later.

but no, it just had spots in it that turned a deep egg yolk yellow.