What's cookin', good lookin'?

I tried a few new things!

I made chicken ‘power bowls’ for lunches one week:

(recipes: Chicken 'Power Bowls')

We’re trying to eat more fish, so I made salmon with rice and steam veggies:

(recipe: Asian Salmon in Foil)

I picked up a really cheap bread machine a while ago and finally tried it out and made bread!

(recipe: Dairy Free Bread Recipe)

I did bake it in the oven instead of the bread machine (that part doesn’t work - that’s why I got it for $1 :laughing:).

I was having a hard time getting the bread to rise, so I stole my cat’s warming pad (and removed the cover) and covered them with a towel. It worked!

I also picked up a few cookbooks at the library to look for new recipes, including one full of lunch box ideas. It’s nice to have lunches for the week made ahead of time, but I could use more ideas.


Doing some prep cooking for the next two days, basically just small snacking crepes.

i like to roll them into tubes as it’s much easier to handle them in and out of the bag…:roll_eyes:

Anyhoo, I found a new way to make egg crepes that’s sooooo much easier, called Dan Bing (https://youtu.be/53OE8BIdRr4?si=ig9S_gaLFqQCbDXZ). Granted I don’t get a runny yolk this way, but meh, I’ll take easier over yummier right now, :smile:

Also, my bucket gardens are doing quite well. The romaine lettuce, mustard greens, are at a usable size. Unfortunately, only have one spinach plant that made it, so I only get a few leaves, but I’ll chop up some mesclun and young sunflower leaves every so often to change it up. (quite a few volunteer sunflowers are coming up all over my yard, heh).


I tried another new recipe - Easy Chicken Shawarma in pitas with Mediterranean Cucumber Tomato Salad and salad mix and tzatziki sauce from the store:

The store didn’t have pocket pitas, so I just used the pitas they had & used toothpicks to keep them closed until I was ready to eat. It was a lot messier, but it worked. :grin:

Lunches for the week to use up things found in the pantry - Seasoned Brown Lentils, Air Fryer Baked Potatoes, Roasted Acorn Squash, and some mandarins:


Awesome! Those lunches look excellent.

We have sliders pretty regularly in our house. Ground beef (obvi) for my husband and daughter, and some veg version for me. Tonight’s was mushroom walnut and it might be my fave so far:

Modified version of this recipe (I added an egg white, left out some things, and honestly didn’t measure anything):


oh hoooo hoho hoooooo! I call cottage cheese ice cream to pester my wife when I put sugar in it, and while eating some ice cream a while ago, I thought, “i wonder what it’d be like as a cheesecake”. To which, I decided to make my lazy bread pudding with it…

Have to wait for it to chill, though, :cry:, oh well.

Also, I probably won’t taste it fully, :frowning_face: , but hopefully I can taste it enough, :smile:

probably kind of dumb to write the recipe, but this is how I made it.

1/4 C. Cottage cheese (it really doesn’t need to be that much. I just wanted more, :grin:)
1 large egg
1+1/2 Tbls. Sugar
1/2 to 1/4th tsp. Vanilla
1+1/2 slices of bread
1 or 2 Tbls. Milk

OH NOOOOOOO! I forgot the butter. :no_mouth: NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Oh well…oh well…Will have to see how it turns out, anyway…Yeeesh!

So that would mean 1 tablespoon salted butter, and then use two slices of bread instead of 1+1/2…That would explain why it seemed a little off. :thinking:


More food processor’n than cookin’ but I just made a big double batch of this chickpea “tuna” salad. It’s so good, I could eat it with a fork


I’ll have to try this some day, this sounds interesting!


It’s so good! Nice and crunchy and perfect for the summer.


Making some beef burritos for tonight, and I have made a large batch of refried beans, spainsh rice, and just finnshed this guacamole.

Fingers crossed it all comes out good, because my salt and sweet tastes are still barely there. :no_mouth:


That chick pea tuna looks so good!

The guac also looks good…people can always add their own salt if they like…I really like plain avocado.

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I’ll have to remind myself to use this in moderation…Man, I love mushrooms, :grin:, And thank the mushroom gods I can still taste them (at least more so than salt and sugars).

But the question is what? I have been wanting to make some pot pies (as I think I have a cheatIng way of doing so that won’t put too much strain on my back…buuut, I still have to keep a counter cleaned, :frowning_face: ).


Mmm…I love mushrooms, too.

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I cooked some mushrooms & onions for dinner tonight! I mixed them with rice made with chicken broth for a side with some tilapia and steamed broccoli & carrots. They turned out pretty good. :slight_smile:


Pancakes for breakfast!


I finally made a chicken pot pie, and I can’t taste much of it. At least I can taste the crust well enough.

Wasn’t until after I was done that I realized I should not have used a metal pan…great. will have to make sure I put it into a glass dish once it chills.

Also, should have gotten more veggies, :roll_eyes:. Celery, potatoes, mushrooms, and brocolli just wasn’t enough. Meh, (for what I can taste) I like it.

Another thing I should have done, is put the sides up higher so I could have sealed it better, but oddly enough it didn’t boil over at all…WOOOT! Heh!

I really hope my taste comes back, but I’m getting the sinking feeling it’s not going to. :cry:


One thing interesting about these olfactory and gustatory alterations, things that I’m sure don’t taste that great seem to be really good.

i made another aioli, but I added ginger to it. Then I took about a teaspoon of it and added about a tablespoon of mayonaise with some onion powder and made some chicken sandwiches with it. It tasted a loooot better than it should have. :thinking: So this means that I just have to discover new tastes…Still kind of blows chunks. I wont be able to share them with anyone else, :frowning_face:. Meh, more food for me, :grin:.


I made salisbury steak (recipe)!


Father-in-law gets some old wilted food from a local food donation place, so I’m boiling three orange beets and one kohlrabi to make a broth. I really don’t know what I’ll do with them, but so far, and if I feel up to it, I’ll turn them into gnocchi.

Presumably beets are supposed to be good for blood pressure, so going to see how that works, heh.

Also, going to try to root these for extra greens. I doubt the beet tops will make it, but meh, won’t hurt to try.

finished the kohlrabi & beet gnocchi.

Since my taster is shot, so I don’t know how they’d taste to others, but to me, they’re quite tasty, :grin:


Made bread sticks from the left over wheat tortilla plus a salad for lunch. Protein will be whatever you can scroumge up from the fridge.


Welp, I am definitely finding new tricks around these changes to my taste and sense of smell.

That beet gnocchi I made works well fried with sausage and potatos.

And my latest “experiment” turned out quite tasty, too.

Anyone remember feeding peas to their baby? :rofl:

Hah! Anyway, I ground pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds with a dash of sugar and salt (i can taste them again, but it’s still a little different), and added a small sprinkle of sunflower oil to make a sun-pump-butter…i can definitely do this more often, :smiley: