I’ve been quiet and not baking as much since I’ve been working from home permanently (no place to bring leftovers and fewer baking occasions) and life has been unusually busy lately. But I carved out some time to practice buttercream flowers yesterday. I’m a big fan of Leslie Vigil. She has a book/classes you can purchase and follow. I used her winter botanical cupcake course to work on these flowers. They aren’t perfect by any means (though a well-cropped photo works wonders, haha), but I’m very happy with them. Happy weekend! Hope you all are safe and warm (or safe and cool if in the southern hemisphere ).
Also, I want to compliment your food photography. It’s not always easy to get a shot of culinary creations that really captures them with typical kitchen lighting.
If I hadn’t read the accompanying text, I would have thought those were just regular flowers you used to decorate the cake. They are really impressive and elegant.
I think about how my son always wants whatever decoration is on the cake on his slice. He’d probably scarf a whole flower.