I made these a few months ago for a swap. I like to re-use tags when possible but I also like the option to add a name so I made them with that in mind. One side is a wintery stamp and the other has a bit of masterboard on the bottom that leaves enough white tag space for adding a name.
I stamped along the long edge of white cardstock then I tore masterboard strips and used my sticker maker to stick them down onto the backside of where I stamped. The snowflakes all have a blue backside and the tree + sled have alternating green and red backs.
I was happy with how they turned out and might make more similar to this someday. I really liked the masterboard on the back
I first discovered masterboards through @Magpie when she Made These and @Lynx hosted a few swaps on the old site. Round one gallery here and round two is here