Yarn Dyeing Fun

I dyed this yarn to make my Penguono sweater. I used Knit Picks Bare Swish Fingering and some that I overdyed.

Here is the set I made with the bare yarn:

And here is the set that I overdyed from some mismatched fingerging weight yarn that I had:

I had a ton of fun making all of the different colors and loved combining them to make fun color combos in my sweater.


So deliciously bright & muddy, all my faves!

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Lovely! :slight_smile:

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Be still, my heart! You’ve got every shade of gorgeous! Your sweater is beautiful.


Such rich and complex colors!

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ooohhh so pretty!

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Your yarns are just scrumptious!

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Absolutely luscious!

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This is the perfect way to put it.


These are so vibrant and bright! Love the variety of shades you got within each hank!

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