Fan art for Midnight Burger, a podcast I recently discovered. There are times I’ve been listening where I laughed until I couldn’t breathe. The whole concept is like Dr. Who meets Cheers… it’s so witty and I love all of the quirky, flawed and occasionally neurotic characters who are not just trying to save the world, but also the universe, and time and space… all at the same time.
This little homage depicts 2 of them- hosts of an old-time revivalist radio show called “The Hour of Power”. Somehow they live inside an old radio in the diner and interact with the other characters. They are Zebulon and Effie Mucklewain from Toadsuck Arkansas.
This is great. Your drawing skills have gotten so good. I remember when you used to struggle and stress over drawing. Now you obviously don’t! Zebulon and Effie look great, and so does that radio!