Zoom Class Teacher Sign Up

March would be great. I could include an easy flower project to make it springlike.

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This is a little form to fill out (class description, a little bio about yourself, supplies needed) The one thing that is really important, at least to me, is that you let your personality shine. There are no hard rules about how to teach the class, we are just starting out, so we are learning together. I know @MistressJennie can add more about actually teaching the class and tips.

If the form doesn’t work, let me know. This is the first time I have tried google forms.


Worked for me! I sent 2 forms, scappy fabric snails or beads.

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I don’t know yet. Lots going on here and we’ve been without internet for almost a week.

No worries! We have classes planned until next year so take your time.

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I’ve sent mine in - I’ve got a few ideas for the watercolour class, but need to test them out and refine them. I wasn’t sure how much info you wanted for the bio - happy to write a bit more if you want?


I’ll check it out. I’m sure it is fine. :blush:

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I submitted. I don’t really have much of a month preference, though my September is a bit busy already. But feel free to move mine wherever you like.


I submitted mine, will add directions later.

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I’m hoping to have things more together “soon”. Most of the move has been accomplished, but re-organizing and the like is taking longer.
I think I have a fairly stable plan for how to make new video tutorials. Not so sure about Zoom.

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This will be the impetus I need to finally make some of your beautiful beads!!! I actually have a project in mind and need those beads!!! I want to bind a journal with them so, thanks for taking on this class!!!

I wasnt sure if people wanted scrappy beads or snails so I’ll take this as a vote for the former! I gotta work on some samples…


@Magpie, Jennie and I will be reaching out to you this week to get the ball rolling about what you need from us, dates and other fun stuff. I’m excited about this class! It is going to be fun.

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Hey gang! Bunny1Kenobi needed to change her class from October to 2022. Does anyone want to take on a class in October? No worries if you are good with the month you currently have-just asking.

Here is what I have so far:
Sept @Magpie
Nov @Edel
Dec @MistressJennie
Jan @jemimah
Feb @Bunny1kenobi
March @steiconi


I still have a some pieces from the meetup to make a few more beads like my first one :smiley: need to dig out that little baggie ASAP!


I know I wasn’t an original teacher, but I’m willing to jump into the Oct slot. Thinking of offering a class on a clothesline bracelet. Same technique as my necklace tutorial, with some refinements. I would be able to offer a kit.

If that is something folks would be interested in? No worries if not or if someone else wants to take Oct. Just offering! :slight_smile:


I think folks would be interested! That would be awesome if you want to teach it! Thanks!


OK! I will fill out the form. I guess worse case is no one signs up, lol. :laughing:

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I missed that post! I would be interested…I really like textural jewelry! Again, those would be excellent gifts to friends who have everything and love handmade items!

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Your necklace looks super cool!! I must have missed it when you first posted it. I’d be keen to try that - I haven’t done much jewellery, but I think I have all the stuff I’d need to try that. Inspiring!

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