10 Hanging storage baskets

The tops were trimmed with colourful fabric from stash, corset boning was inserted into the fold to keep the baskets opened wide.

They are each 10" tall, 9.5" wide, 4.5" deep, designed to fit the specific space I wanted them for.

The top flap showing here…

…was folded to the back to make a channel for the metal bar they are suspended on.

Before assembling, another internal channel was stitched in case the baskets end up needing a little piece of stiff card or wood inserted to help them keep the front stiff and flat.

They don’t seem to need any help but I’m glad it’s there as an option.

There’s hard card inside for flat bottoms.

The lower bar is suspended by this flat chain, it’s very secure despite all the weight.

Already filled up. But the table is still messy, ack! Guess I could have used 3 rows, lol.


Wow, what sturdy and sleek-looking storage! Great stash buster, too.


Awesome. These turned out great!


Nice; I love the rainbow edge bindings!

Some stitchers substitute plastic zip ties for corset boning, in case someone wants to be inspired and use what they have on hand…


Those turned out great and so fantastically practical!


These are great, they look very chic and are very well thought through. I like the addition of the extra security channel. I might make something similar. As they would be really useful at my cutting bench


Hot dang! These are really nice! Such thoughtful construction and beautiful hanging all together.

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Wow! These are REALLY great!! Would be totally customizable for whoever they were for, too! Made to match personality or decor. Love it!

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These are brilliant! What a great addition to your crafting space.

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They look like they’ve always been there, what was I doing before?

Oh ya, this work surface was almost totally covered with baskets, ha!

Now I just have to do something with that pile underneath. At least it’s pretty organized?


Well its not on your work surface…


These are great! I’m mentally filing your storage solution as an option for my new craft room.

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Excellent!! Great project!!


Craft organization? Amazing.
Colorful, rainbow craft organization? Next level.

How useful and gorgeous!


The corset boning was genius! Clever and nice looking solution to your supply issues.


It really helped clean up the peg board. When Rob would come sit in there his head was right under a row of sharp scissors & rotary cutters. Scary!

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They look great!
You did an amazing job.

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:rainbow: :sun_with_face: :heart: Congratulations! Your lovely hanging storage baskets are a Featured Project this week! :heart: :sun_with_face: :rainbow:


What a great design! Looks amazing - everything is accessible and neat. Can you come and help me organize my craft supplies, please!?!

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I would love that! Organizing is something I enjoy, checking out someone else’s stash too!

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