2020 DeStash-Along

I love looking at everyone’s cool things! I’ve been destashing like crazy today (thanks in large part to your inspiration!)

I did it @smileyyogini, I made a handle cover for my little cast iron pan! It’s much safer here now :smile:

Thanks for sharing that great pattern @Trillian, I made one of those pouches too!

And I made an autumn version of the leaf potholder for my own kitchen, with @Magpie’s great pocket suggestion!

Though I am far away, I feel like I am collaborating with you all :smiley:


Wonderful, isn’t it? I spent some time looking at the projects here and also in the 50 projects…so many good ideas that make you ask why you didn’t think of that!

Cute fabrics and functional items…doesn’t get any better unless you count sharing them with your friends who inspired you!


I have been binge sewing this weekend! I made a panda fabric bin :panda_face: all from stash


Today was one of those days when nothing went right! But at the end, I’ve stash busted and have a thread catcher. Let’s ignore the fact that the strap and weight are in completely the wrong position!! :thinking:


It looks great to me!! Those weighted threadcatchers are so handy - yay for turning stash into something useful!


Yay for more card-stock de-stashing!

My newest project is this journal for my son’s teacher.

Hand-Bound Seed Book Journal


These are freaking adorable and I agree with AntBee that you’ve used just the right fabric and placed the prints so well!


I can not get over how nicely everyone’s zipper pouches turn out! Every last one of them is so neat and so well constructed. DANG!


I think it’s great how many people have picked up the pencil pouch-- I’ve done three slightly less tidy ones, since I was also playing with @JoyfulClover’s scrappy heart idea and… well, several other things. But my phone with the pictures on it is upstairs charging, so I guess I’ll post about them tomorrow.


The pouches are all wonderful! I wish I could sew better, I’d make half a dozen. The panda bin by @jemimah is adorable, i just love pandas :panda_face:
As I was catching up on the thread this morning (ok, maybe 1-2 pm , we slept in a little💤) I was inspired by all to start making some sort of progress on my stash, so I spent a few productive hours locating the random skeins of yarn and other bits just around my living room and one of the bedrooms, that need to be either organized, or donated/tossed/recycled. I found some zip top bags from clothes ordered online, and used those to help me store my tiny leftover yarn balls, as well as a load of ribbons and beads that I forgot I had. It felt good until I realized that it’s only about a quarter of my stash.

The red bag is full of yarn and some other knitting related stuff. The blue bag is for the non yarn and donation stuff, which are in the zip tops.
Now I just have to decide what to make with alllll this yarn :yarn: one of my ideas is to make art dolls, just rectangular bodies and add decorations- beads and charms, maybe give them to my nieces and nephews, or even give them the decorations to add to the dolls themselves. (My sister has 5 kids with a 6th on the way).


Hey, sorting a quarter of your stash is a perfectly good accomplishment!

My pencil pouches (so far):


Nice job! Lovely stash it is!

I am going to make a few more of those but a little larger to fit my sunglasses. I like your idea to add a tab…I could hang them on my beach tote!


I’ve been trying to sort out my stash too - it’s taking much longer than I thought it would. Also, I keep getting distracted by “just making one little thing first” …

I really like what you’ve done with those pouches @thanate! Filling in the space around the zipper with ribbon and scraps, and the scrappy patchwork - they look great. I have a few too-short zippers - but now I see how you can make that stash work!


My mother also pointed out last night that they would make good pouches for crochet hooks. Or probably DPNs. So many options! :grin:


I can confirm your mother’s observation - my crochet hooks live in one of these pouches and it works like a charm.

Still haven’t found a good way to organize my zillions of DPNs though so if anyone has any suggestions, I’m all ears!


My manicurist had these fabulous plastic boxes that perfectly fit most of my DPN’s…I use the coil holders around each set and tag the size.

BUT…my favorite way is a flat, almost crochet hook clear bag with the sizes stamped on paper and inserted inside…I have one and need another soon for just sock DPNs.

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I haven’t tried it yet, but I’ve been wondering about something like this:

(pictured with crochet hooks, but ought to work for non-slippy DPNs… and since all my metal ones have wandered out of the knitting drawer into the candlemaking bin for holding wicks, that wouldn’t be an issue in my case.)


@Trillian, I’ve had this idea for putting a binder together for knitting patterns, and that I would keep dpns (and maybe circ’s) in zippered 3 hole punch pencil pouches, grouped around the projects that I would most likely use them for. Amazon has some clear pouches with the 3 hole punches, but they might be substituted with zip lock type baggies.


I took my “Get to know your sewing machine” class this past saturday and while it was a tad overwhelming I think I’ll be ok to try my hand at using up some of my fabric stash now! wee!


Yay! Happy sewing! :slight_smile: