2020 DeStash-Along

@AntBee That sounds like a monster afghan. I totally think WIPs count as a win! An animal hammock is a great idea for that crochet cotton and it will be so nice to get it out of your stash and into something usable (in someone else’s room, no less!).

@ilovesnails Sometimes I have to send projects to time-out, too.


Wow @ilovesnaills, that is an impressive WIP!! Looking forward to seeing the finished piece! I seem to remember having a dragon pattern from that era (the designer was Teresa Wentzler, if my memory is right), that had other mythical beasts around it. It’s probably long gone after many moves, but it’d be cool to find it in my pattern hoard …

@LuckyXIIICreations those cards look really pretty!

@Trillian those felt+fabric pouches are great - I need to get some more felt … except I’m supposed to be destashing …

But if you need the felt to help you use the stuff already in your stash the purchase is justified, right? :wink:



There has been a flurry of activity at my house, but in the end I can’t decide if it’s a net positive or not. In the Use Your Scraps Craftalong, someone introduced the idea of improv quilting and I went DEEP down the rabbit hole.

Good things that came out of this: I sorted all of my fabrics by use (quilting, bag making, clothing), and each of them now has a limit - clothing fabrics have to fit in the closet, each other kind has to fit in a bin, and all the scraps are sorted. I started using some of my cotton fabric strips that I used to use to make fabric twine for string quilting.

Bad things that came out of this: I think I’m up to 6 fat quarters that I bought to fill in gaps in these new projects, since I had very little quilting fabric on hand, and I ended up with 5 yards of red tag clothing fabric as a result of one of those trips. I also ended up looking at buying scraps by the pound on Etsy…but I didn’t buy any, that’s good, right? Sigh. So it’s definitely net stash in, but hopefully all the sorting and new eye on my fabrics will help me use them up? :see_no_evil: I might be a hopeless case, guys.


That is a dangerous rabbit hole to fall down, but it’s so tempting, right? I applaud your ability to restrain yourself!


@jemimah I believe that is who designed this one. I’d have to dig out the original chart to confirm. I’m working of a photo copy so I can mess it up!


omg…she designed that in 1988…ha ha ha

Dragon Castle

@thanate I don’t know you, but from the state of your house and from your narrative, I feel as though we are kindred spirits. I spent 3 days a couple of months ago sorting through and organising stuff and it felt SO GOOD, but then my steam ran out and I fell off the cleaning wagon. We can both do it, though- I have faith! :heart:


Wow!! That’s like a vintage WIP! I’m not laughing though, because I bet I could dig out something unfinished of a similar vintage if I dug hard enough!

It will be so cool to see it finished :smiley:


You can buy scraps by the pound on Etsy??? Oh I didn’t know this and I don’t think I should know…


So it was released when I was 10 and I got it a few years later. I love it, I really do. It just makes me angry with all the blended colors in the rocks and only a handful of stitches at best in a clump. Hence the MANY time out’s its had! Maybe this will be the year!!!

Who wants to nag me to death to finish it! LOL


No, no, no, no, no, friend. This is all good. If you don’t know what you have than you can’t use it. You needed to see your stuff to know how you might want to use it and what you need to add to make the things in your mind’s eye.

Now you have the bits and bobs to work your magic. Happy crafting!


Ooh, this is the one I have:

Only, I changed the colors for some brighter greens and then stopped when I finished the border b/c I couldn’t decide what colors to do the mythical animals in.

That sounds like a lot to me! (Of course, I have an almost-7-year-old to distract me, so that doesn’t help…)


I spent some time ironing and organizing fabric last night. I managed to get two very disorganized drawers consolidated into one drawer with everything folded vertically. During the process I kept finding one yard cuts of fabric I bought because I liked the print but have no idea how I’m going to use. I’m kind of stumped because most of the sewing projects that are on my radar either require much less than one yard or much more. You wouldn’t think it was an awkward size!


That’s the same pattern I used to have!! I never stitched it, but I think I stitched one of the smaller animals. I think it’s long gone now :unicorn:

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Do any of them go well enough you could use two or three as a group & color-block a larger project?

Well, I finished the stuffed animal hammock but it’s a rather acute triangle where i think i meant to go for more of a right angle at the wall sides. We’ll see if it is functional once it’s up…


Hope it works really well and very cute rug!!


January Challenge: polka dots

I destashed some red polka dotted fabric to make this case. I also sent some scraps to another lettuce head per her request (best kind of destashing!). I almost hit the “buy” button to get a few fat quarters on sale while I was shopping for some specific yarn…I didn’t!! I am learning to control my impulse buying of cute fabrics…it is hard but it can be done!